Originally published at
magependragon.co.za .
Sunday - 11 November 2012
Gah! Where was my warning flyer to alert me of the early morning chaos happening in the local park? The noise started even before the local churches start tolling for their congregations. Bad hip-hop and some lady on the mega-phone who obviously gave up her day job with Kulula. Yeah, that sort of funny. I got that it was the 20km starting point for the Discovery Cape Times Big walk for Cansa but still. When they're going to shoot a movie in the park, and they often have, we get more than a weeks warning and they try to keep the noise reasonable. My cat was terrified. My mom's pets equally distressed, and I was beyond grumpy. (Apologies to @nerinedorman for taking the frustrations out on you.)
Thankfully the irritating lady, her megaphone and the noisy crowd moved off fairly quickly, but I was already too awake to go back to sleep. Breakfast for me and TamTams who was still distraught.
I spent the morning writing and transcribing blog posts. I'm finally catching up and it feels good is put up the post about the new oncologist so that everyone will know how good that appointment was, about the trial I've applied to be part of and that things are progressing.
@AJVenter and @MadGurl69 arrive in the afternoon and we watch movies. It is good to just hang out with friends and pretend for a bit life's normal. We watch Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer which is far less cheesy than we thought it would be. Strangely the plot makes sense and the "alternative" history isn't so unbelievable.
We then watch Escape from New York as neither @MadGurl69 or I have watched it before. It is a classic, filmed in the late 70s with all the grunge that comes with Kurt Russell as the infamous Snake Plisken is an archetype. I hope Hollywood doesn't try reboot any time soon. (I've likely jinxed that now though.)
They leave as they have work in the morning and I put up another blog post just before bed.