Wed, 16:38: RT @ Armouredwulfen: @ phaezen: Kinda necessary to get a earpiece though, holding a tablet up to your ear would look a little silly <-- Agreed
Wed, 16:49: for my "north of the orange" friends: I am planning to be up there from the afternoon of Star Wars day ;-) (May the fourth be with us all!)
Wed, 17:18: Ratanga Junction is open 1-10 April. R142 for full day all access. R50 extra for the SlingShot. Always better with friends! Who's Game? };-)
Thu, 10:00: we are currently applying Occam's Razor to solve code bugs. Simplest solution, least amount of effort for greatest amount of gain.
Thu, 10:01: RT @ danteofdoom: @ anib you shouldnt say things like no morning vagina so early. My brain filters arent working so well yet. :p <-- Agreed!
Thu, 10:14: RT @ danteofdoom: i vote for next week wednesday for movie night. Busy on tuesday. Let me know what majority says. #ctmovieclub