Holy crap, another update for you!

Aug 07, 2009 14:48

Don't you just love me? Anyways, I did my sleep study and I forgot whether I posted about my visit about my possible deviated septum or not as well, so I'm going to. Rojana got me into listening to Michael Jackson more often, it's actually a nice change of music. Andrew, Tomms friend just called, on a random note. About the visits now! I've been taking nasal sprays to see if that will help with my possible deviated septum. I say possible because I could never understand what the doctor was saying completely. If it doesn't work I go in to have some microwave something or other shrink the things at the back of my nose.

As for the sleep study, that was an interesting and new experience. I go in and the nurse uses what felt like sandpaper on my head, face, chest and legs. 2 electrodes on each leg, 2 on my chest and probably 12 on my head or so. The sandpaper like stuff hurt my scalp quite a bit, but this is all for a good cause so I sucked it up and cried when she left, haha, kidding. After sitting with all those things attached to me and cords everywhere, I finally got to go to bed.

I was told before I went to bed that I would be running a few simple tests to see if all the equipment worked. Also, I was told that if my breathes stopped 20 times in 1 minute or my oxygen level dropped 4% or more while I was sleeping I would have a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine attached to help me breathe better while I slept. To my slight surprise, I was woken up and had one put on me midway through my sleep. So I guess I have sleep apnea, in no specific way was I told though. They did hook up the machine and set me up to get one, so I assume I do, and my grandfather has it so it's not out of the realm of reason that I would too. So that's my little story for the time, hope you epic readers come back next week for some more awesome Bob journal writes.
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