*insert spoiler alert for book you've already read here*

Jul 06, 2009 12:48

Well, flist. I did it. It took two weeks, multiple confused stares from various friends/airport security guards and more than one headache but I did it. Yay!

Check out my reading list while I was on vacation:

I had to put the book down and walk away for a bit when she fainted because he touched her. Christ. Get a grip, girl. But the other parts where enjoyable. I heart Emmett. And I like Book Edward a LOT more than I like Movie Edward.

New Moon
Kinda pathetic and difficult to read (I repeat: get a grip, girl) but mostly enjoyable. Alice continues to be more awesome than most people I know. And I love the way Stephanie Meyer showed the passage of time with the pages that were only months. I thought that was really effective and it actually made me respect her as a writer, which--snob that I am--I didn't expect to do.

My favorite of the series, I think. Fun times. Jasper FTW. I started to like Jacob less and less as the story went on but it's all good. I liked this book a lot.

Breaking Dawn
Jacob is obnoxious and the pregnancy annoyed me but another fun book. Their honeymoon really entertained me, more than it probably should have. Also, I'm glad Rosalie and Bella finally got closer even if I don't love how it happened.

So that's that. I read Twilight and am pleased to join Team Edward. (help a newbie out, am I using that term correctly?) Though I usually root for the underdog and have a general habit of hoping my main characters remain human, I very much wanted Bella and Edward to end up together. They're just too pathetic to be allowed otherwise. Seriously.

But Nessie is immortal, right? And Jacob isn't? Um. This seems problematic. Am I missing something?

I actually finished the books on Friday and then spent the weekend (when I got my blessed internet back, oh how I missed it--and y'all--so) reading fanfic. I braved ffnet for this, flist. Look what Twilight has done to me. Found some good ones, though. I'd rec them but I figure y'all already know them, seeing as I am a newbie and you are not. But would anyone care to help a girl out? I'm looking for some certain fics and would appreciate recs of either specific stories/authors or non-ffnet archives.

This is what I'm looking for:
- Edward's bachelor party.
- Alice's reaction to her human past. (the only one I read was WAY too angsty for me to believe)
- Renee's reaction to the wedding. Also Charlie's.
- Rosalie during Breaking Dawn. I read Shameless by Angeliss (I think I got those names right?) but I'd like another version if it's out there.
- Non-romantic Emmett fic. It is my belief that we should all, not just Rosalie, have an Emmet in our lives.
- Anything else you think is awesome. :)

Well, that list is long, isn't it? I'm sorry, it seems I'm a bit demanding. First I force my Twilight opinions on you and then I want recs. Very rude of me.

...and now I have another demand. Goodness. I want to know, please, of my friends who have read all four books: What is your favorite? The people I've talked to in rl have had very different answers to this so I'm honestly curious what y'all have to say.

reading, twilight

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