Vocant V

Oct 20, 2007 00:52

Well, my day took a surprising turn. It was HELLA busy so I'm very uber super sorry about not posting the last installment of my Neville and Seamus ficlets. Even more, I'm sorry I haven't responded to your comments or read the flist. But because I must be up far too early tomorrow and it's already nearly 1:00 I'm going to beg your forgiveness and save all my fandom stuff for Sunday. I hate doing this (fandom is love!) but if I want to stay on top of rl I need to pause for second.

Eh, screw that. Here's the ficlet. Comments will have to wait, though.


Seamus didn't even bother tiptoeing like a properly ashamed schoolboy when he walked into class twenty minutes late.

Neville woke with a start when Seamus plopped into his seat. "Where've you been," he muttered sleepily.

"Not your business, is it? And what happened to yesterday's note-taking thing? I thought you were being a good student."

"I had a late night."

"Oh-ho someone had a good night," Seamus whistled, utterly delighted.

"Shut up, pervert," Neville snapped.

"See, it may sound like you're angry, but you and I both know you're not."

He laughed and shrugged. "That's not the point. We were talking, Lavender and I, and we want to do something for the D.A. this weekend."

"Michael does, too. He sent me a message last night. You got any ideas?"

"Well, since you got Snape last week we figure we might as well get someone new," Neville mused.

"Sounds good to me."

"You finished with Snape's detention yet?"

Seamus nodded.

"And healed?"


"Good. Michael wants to go after the Carrows. He's still angry about his last detention."

"That wasn't detention, that was torture," Seamus grumbled. "I'm amazed he's still alive."

"That's the spirit. Way to stay positive."

"What's with you and this crap about positive thinking all of a sudden?"

Neville grinned. "Lavender says it's better for my chakra."

"You're what?"

"I have no idea. But it makes her happy."

"You're whipped."

"And yet I find it hard to care," Neville said. "Better than then the Carrows version of whipping."

"You're the expert."

"And don't go thinking you're so much better than me, Irish Boy. Less than a week in and Hannah's got you completely whipped."

Seamus blinked. "My mind just went to a very bad place."

Neville smacked him.

"Ow! Damn it, that hurt."

"It was supposed to, you pervert."

Seamus rubbed his arm. "I can feel a bruise forming."

"Don't be such a baby."

"A baby? Did you not see the giant scars I'm sporting from detention?"

"Are you flirting with me?"

It was Seamus's turn to dole out a smack and he rose to the occasion.

"Boys," Professor Binns said. "Please don't fight during class."

They stared at him with goldfish eyes.

"Since when does Binns pay attention to us?" Seamus hissed.

"Are you really going to talk right now?"

Professor Binns cleared his transparent throat. "Please boys, if you're going to disrespect me, do it quietly. I'm dead, not deaf."

"Yes, Professor," they mumbled.

"Thank you. You may write an extra parchment's length on the next essay. Now, returning to fourteenth century goblin-human relations…"

Two minutes later he was droning, Seamus plotting and Neville had returned to his nap.


ETA: Just to stave off any worry (really, y'all are too nice for your own good), my day wasn't busy in an OMGNOOO! way. I'm doing quite well, actually, and hope you are, too. :)


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