This is radio nowhere

Aug 23, 2007 21:10

I started the most fascinating book the other day. The Looming Towers: Al Quada and the Path to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright was recommended to me by both an extremely conservative friend of mine and my own tree hugging liberal mother so you know I had to give it a chance. I've been looking for an unbiased book about the Middle East for awhile now and I think I've found it. I hope I have.

The book is stuffed with information but it's pretty easy to follow and digest. I'm only about a hundred pages in but I really like it. The author grounded the story well, explaining the rise of Islam fundamentalism starting with this guy I'd never heard of named Qutb. Then Zawahiri (sp?) and then finally bin Laden. I'm learning so much stuff I feel I should already know. Seriously, why was none of this mentioned in school? We spent about five minutes on the history of the Israel state in my geography class in ninth grade and then it never came up again. Not once. wtf?

On a more personal note, I'm searching for an explanation as to why my cousins are risking their lives over there and I've given up on finding that from our president. Or any politician, really.

Let's move on to something happier.

Rumor has it Bruce Springsteen is going to go on tour! I can't decide if I want to go or not. On the one hand, I worship him and have heard that his concerts are amazing, but on the other hand, I love Bruce circa 1970s and 80s. I don't want to see him doing his new stuff. I want Promised Land and Thunder Road and Because the Night. Plus, I really don't want to face the fact that he's older than my parents.

And finally, can I just say that I love checkmated? The responses to the user suggesting that Draco should have replaced Ron in the trio have been causing me to repeatedly exclaim "WORD!" to my laptop and nod enthusiastically. It's lucky I'm home alone.

Random thought: If Ron could express himself like Bruce can he'd be the perfect man.

book rec, rl, cm

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