DH Recs, etc

Jul 26, 2007 21:06

Countdown is showing the JKR interview! Keith and Jo together? I'm so there.

I've started reading fanfic now and I have two recs. Both have DH spoilers so click with caution.

First of all, for all my Neville fangirls this bittersweet, satisfying little fic is a must read. Augusta is pitch-perfect as she writes to her letter Neville.

Second, I read my first Dean/Luna fic and I really liked it. This is a beautiful snapshot story set at Shell Cottage that sets the stage for the Handhold Heard Round the World Fandom.

Anyone seen any second person pov fics floating around? As the archives start stocking post-DH fics I'm going to be on the prowl. Maybe I'll even start up a list again. We shall see.

Speaking of post-DH stuff, I'm wondering how much longer I need to be so cautious of giving away spoilers. Most of you have finished DH, right? Unless I hear otherwise (i.e. leave me comment), I'm going to calm down on spoiler warnings sometime next week.

dh, hp, recs

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