Congrats to the new CM Head Girls! Checkmated is lucky to you have and we are all lucky to have checkmated! (I'm aware I sound like a hallmark card, but I do mean it)
I just saw Pan's Labirynth. Holy crap, I may be traumatized. Don't get me wrong, the movie's amazing and I loved it, but oh my lord it was intense. It was disgusting, both on the squicky stomach level and on the humanity sucks level. If you need me later I'll be over in the corner whimpering thoughtfully pondering the questions it raised.
sowritesauds's recent post reminded me that it's still National Poetry Month. And since I've actually been enjoying the poems I'm reading in class lately, I thought I'd do a little something something in honor of poetry.
This is the last quatrain from one of John Milton's sonnets. He's blind and his dead wife is visiting him in a dream.
Love, sweetness, goodness in her person shin'd
So clear as in no face with more delight.
But oh! As to embrace me she inclin'd,
I wak'd, she fled, and day brought back my night.
Isn't the last line just amazing? I love it. "Day brought back my night" may be the most awesome phrase I've heard in a long time.
Sorry to go all academic on you, but we're reading Robert Browning in my brit lit class and I think he's pretty cool. My favorite is "Porphyria's Lover." Text can be found
here (don't worry, it's not that long). But don't bother with that link,
click here. It's a comic strip version of the poem and it's completely awesome. Kind of weird, but very very cool.
Actually, I really think the poem sounds like Lucius/Narcissa or maybe Bella/Voldemort, if you want to make Voldy a bit more human. If I thought I could handle writing those characters, I'd definitely do a remake fic of the poem. How awesome would that be?
Exactly how many times did I use the word 'awesome' in this post? Seriously, how do you all put up with my California surfer dude slang?