I love this song right now.
So let's face it, this was never what you wanted.But I know it's fun to pretend.But now blank stares and empty threats are all I have.They're all I have.So drown me, if you can.Or we could just have conversation.And I fall, I fall, I falter.I found you before I drift away.Now you still speak of day old hate.Though your whole world has gone up into flames.And isn't it to find that you're really worth nothing.And how safe it is to feel safe.So drown me, if you can.Or we could just have conversation.And I fall, I fall, I falter.But I found you before I drift away.The things we do just to stay alive.The things we do just to stay alive.The things we do just to stay alive.The things we do just to keep ourselves alive.
001) What time are you starting this? 718pm.
002) Name?: Josephina S
003) Date of birth?: May 04, 1987
004) Sex?: Female.
005) Height?: I'm aout 5'6".
006) Eye color?: Brown. But Kuba tells me they are green sometimes in the light. Yes.
007) Weight?: Yep, I have it.
008) Location?: My house, in the L dot.
009) Where were you born?: Here.
010) Do you have crush on someone?: Umm maybe?
011) Do you have a bf/gf?: No ma'am.
012) If so, what is their name: I said nope.
013) How long have you been together?: Geez.
014) What are you wearing right now?: A slutty tank top and pj pants.
015) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: Oh most definitly. I'm pretty sure I've been in love with about four. Actually five.
016) Do you smoke?: Well you know.
017) Do you drink?: Nope.
018) Are you ghetto?: Fo shiz.
019) Are you a player?: I don't think so.
020) What are your favorite colors?: Black, red, brown, green.
021) What is your favorite animal?: Cowsss.
022) Do you have any birthmarks?: Umm yes.
023) Have you ever gotten your butt kicked: Kind of.
024) Who are your best friends?: Kubes. Michele. And then other Close friends.
025) Have you ever beat someone up?: I don't think I ever could.
026) Who do you talk to most on the phone?: No one really.
027) Have you ever been slapped?: Sure.
028) Do you get online a lot?: Ummm sort of. I'm not usually on for very long though.
029) Are you shy or outgoing?: Usually shy. But I've been getting better.
030) Do you shower?: Yessss.
031) Do you hate school?: Very much.
032) Do you have a social life?: Sometimes.
033) How easily do you trust people? Hardly.
034) Have you ever lied to your best friends?: For sure.
035) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: Probably not.
036) Would you ever sky dive?: Yep.
037) Do you like to dance?: Most of the time.
038) Have you ever been out of state?: We don't live in states. But yes, I've been out of the province.
039) Do you like to travel?: I do, I do.
040) Have you ever been suspended? Nope.
041) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: Yessss.
042) Are you spoiled?: Some would say so.
043) Are you a brat?: Fuck yeah.
044) Have you ever been dumped?: Yes.
045) What's your favorite drink?: Water.
046) Do you like Snapple?: Umm.. probably not?
047) Do you drink a lot of water?: Well, since I said it was my favourite, I'll go with yes.
048) What toothpaste do you use?: Prevident, or some special toothpaste like that.
049) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: Yes.
050) Do you have a curfew?: Pretty much.
051) Who do you look up to?: No one anymore.
052) Are you a role model?: I don't think so.
053) What brand do you wear the most?: I don't really wear brands. GAP maybe, if I have to say something.
054) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: Permantly: 4 rings, 1 necklace and a bracelet.
055) What do you have pierced?: Ears, and nose.
056) What do you want pierced?: Medusa.
057) Do you like taking pictures?: Not so much.
058) Do you like getting your picture taken?: Noooo!
059) Do you have a tan?: Hahahaha!! ME? Tan?! Right.
060) Do you get annoyed easily?: Yes!
062) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: Well.. my cell phone?
063) Do you have your own pool?: The apartment does.
064) Do you have any siblings?: Jankieeeeeeeeeeeeee.
065) Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: Um.. neither?
066) Have you ever been played?: Probably.
067) Have you ever played anyone?: Not reallllllly.
068) Do you get along with your parents?: Ummm.. sort of.
069) How do you vent your anger?: Cry.
070) Have you ever been fired from a job?: Not yet.
071) Do you even have a job?: Yes.
072) Do you daydream a lot?: I night dream. Which sounds liek I just mean dreaming.. but I mean, I day dream at night before I sleep... Right.
073) Do you run your mouth?: Some people think so. *Ahem* My father *Ahem*
074) What do you want a tattoo of? A tree.
075) What do you have a tattoo of?: Lillies.
076) What are your favorite flowers?: Lillies.
077) What does your most recent crush look like?: I don't have one exactly.
079) Do you like getting dirty?: Not usually.
080) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: Innie. Ew Outie? Gross.
081) Are you flexible?: Haha no!
082) What is your heritage?: Cro/dutch.
083) What is your lucky number?: I don't have one of those.
084) What does your hair look like right now?: It's in a ponytail.
085) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: I could be yes. Because I am.
086) When was your last real heartbreak?: Oh. Recent.
087) Describe your looks?: Normal. I don't know.
088) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color? Probably still black. OR that purply color I loooooove.
089) Would you ever date someone younger than you?: Umm maybe.
090) Would you ever date someone older than you?: Yep. But not too much older.
091) When was the last time you went on a date?: A real one? I don't know. Ever ago.
092) How many rings until you answer the phone?: Cell phone.. I usually miss it, and have to call back. House.. like.. three.
093) Do you look more like your mother or father?: I think I look like my mom. But my crazy Aunt said I look like my dad.
094) Do you cry a lot?: Tons.
095) Do you ever cry to get your way?: Umm not on purpose.
096) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be?: My left hand. I figure I don't really need it, being a righty and all.
097) What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: On the phone... Uhhh.. "Mhmmm" Or "Okay"
098) Are you the romantic type?: Sort of, but not.
099) What do you like most about your body?: Haha.. Nada.
100) What do you like least about your body?: My Thunder Thighs.. Hahah.
101) When was the last time you threw up?: Not recently.
102) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: Ummm dark usually. But whatev.
103) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: Black converse hightops.
104) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: Hahah nope. But I'm wearing one now because I'm a hoe.
105) What about cleavage?: Not usually. I have like one shirt, Kind of, that shows some. But really I have no cleav anyways.
106) What theme does your room have?: It doesn't really. Elvis maybe.
107) What size shoe do you wear?: 9
108) What jewelry are you wearing now?: 5 rings, necklace, 2 bracelets, nose ring, and double flared ear things. I never know what to call them exactly.
109) What is your screen name on AIM?: josephina.
110) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: I don't really get those.
111) How are you feeling right now?: Sleepy.
112) When was the last time you were at a party?: I don't do parties.
113) What do you sleep in?: Shirt and undies.
114) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: Umm probably.
115) What is one of your bad qualities?: I over analyze.
116) What is one of your good qualities?: I'll listen.
117) Would you marry for money?: Unlikely.
118) What do you drive?: Hahah a van, yo.
119) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: Mama.
120) What does your myspace username mean?: I don't have myspace.
121) What's your favorite myspace to look at?: I don't.
122) Do you wear Chucks?: Yes.
123) Would you pose for Playboy?: Maybe?
124) What is your biggest pet peeve? TOO many.
124) What time are you finishing this: 746, holler.