1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth full sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your LiveJournal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around for the coolest book you can find. Use what's actually nearest to you.
"She will drop the aquaintance entirely."
Pride and Prejudice.
How dull.
I haven't written in here in ages. [And by ages I mean a week. Which is a long time for me... How sad]. It feels like I haven't really been on the computer that much to have a chance to 'update'. This is good I suppose, because it suggests that maybe I have a life... and I guess I do.. But not necessarily the life I want. I work like a mad woman this week, and I have some VERY important assignments that need to be completed...So unfortunately, I'll be seldom seen until Friday, my only day off. Hopefully it is as exciting as this past Friday, but in a Much different way.
Also if it interests anyone, I have a huge bruise on my side. I think it looks like a strange bird or something. You should check it out sometime.
Current mood :: Sleeeeepy.
Current music :: Nothing unfortunately. I was too lazy to put something in.
Current taste :: Mouth.
Current hair :: Flat and mullety.
Current clothes :: Peeeeeeeeejamas.
Current annoyance :: All the work I know I have this week.
Current smell :: My house.
Current thing I ought to be doing :: READING!
Current desktop picture: Just plain ol blackness.
Current favorite band :: N/a
Current book :: Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen.
Current cd in stereo :: None probably.
Current crush :: Well.
Current favorite celeb :: AVRIL LAViGNE!
Current hate :: Schooooooooool *evil stare*
Smoke? :: Barely.
Do drugs? :: Never.
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: Not so much.
Read the newspaper? :: We don't get it anymore.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? :: Unfortunately. [Haha I love you].
Believe in miracles? :: Mmmmm...Not so much.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? :: Not really. Welll kind of. That's tough.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: For the most part.
Consider love a mistake? :: Maybe?
Like the taste of alcohol? :: Negative.
Have a favorite candy? :: Sweddish Berries are amazing.
Believe in astrology? : Kind of.
Believe in magic? :: Nope.
Believe in God? :: Undecided.
Have any pets? :: Not anymore.
Go to or plan to go to college? :: Yep. I start in September and I think I'm going to pee myself.
Have any piercings? :: I guess so.
Hate yourself :: Usually.
Have an obsession? :: Not exactly... But I get very fixed on certain ideas sometimes. It's hard to explain.
Have a secret crush? :: It's not really a secret.
Do they know yet? :: Hahah, well I'm sure the boy in my english class knows, thanks to Vana. And well, James... I don't think I'm really keeping it from him.
Care about looks? :: Not on other people so much... More for myself. But I try not to.
Ever been in love? :: As far as I know.
Do you believe in love at first sight? :: No.
Do you believe in "the one?" :: Not anymore.
Describe your ideal significant other :: I'd rather not.
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? No. Well yes actually.
Have you ever been intoxicated? Sure havem't.
Height :: 5'6 ish.
Bought :: At plant stand from work for my Mom because she wanted it.
Drank :: Wataaaaah.
Read :: My book. [Fuck. I forgot my Journal again. That's what I was supposed to read].
Watched on tv :: Raising Helen.
club or houseparty :: Neither thanks.
drinks or shots :: No thanks.
cats or dogs :: Kitties.
single or taken :: I like being taken.
pen or pencil :: Pencil.
gloves or mittens :: Mitttttttens.
food or candy :: Fooood.
cassette or cd :: CD. Haha who even has cassettes anymore!
coke or pepsi :: Neither.
this or that :: My asshole.
kill :: No one actually, but that's cool.
look like :: Someone sexy, haha.
be like :: Myself, I think.
avoid :: I can think of a few people.
talked to :: My mom.
hugged :: My Grandmaaaaaaaa.
instant messaged :: Brandon :)
eat :: Usually in the kitchen. Or my room.
cry :: My rooooom.
wish you were :: Not here.
Dated one of your best friends? :: Not that I can recall.
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? :: Definitely.
Drank alcohol? :: Yes.
Done drugs? :: Didn't you ask this already? I said no, to refresh your memory.
Broken the law? :: Of course.
Run away from home? :: Nope.
Broken a bone? :: Nope.
Played Truth Or Dare? :: Too many times.
Kissed someone you didn't know? :: Pretty much.
Been in a fight? :: Haha yes.
Come close to dying? :: No?
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: Hasha probably one of the many terrible Pop compilations I own.
Your bedroom like? :: A little office, some might say. Haha. I don't know. It's normal.
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: Crepes.
Your favorite restaurant? :: Mexicali Rosa's. It was so good.
What's on your bedside table? :: I don't have one of those.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? :: Cinamon Toast Crunch...
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: I don't cry during movies.
What is your biggest fear? :: Lots of things I'd rather not say.
What feature are you most insecure about? :: Oh man. Pretty much my whole self.
Do you ever have to beg? :: Not really.
Are you a pyromaniac? :: Sometimes I think I might be on the inside.
Crushes? :: Oh yeah...?
Do you know anyone famous? :: Nope.
Describe your bed :: It's a squeaky futon with a mattress on it.
Spontaneous or plain? :: Plain, usually. I've come to accept that about myself.
Do you know how to play poker? :: Not at all.
What do you carry with you at all times? :: My journal.
How do you drive? :: Terribly. I really do suck.
What do you miss most about being little? :: Being naive to everything.
Are you happy with your given name? :: Sometimes I guess. It's just a name.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? :: A substantial amount.
What color is your bedroom? :: The walls are white, but they can't really be seen.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? :: Sure why not?
Do you think you're cute? :: Haha nope.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: Never.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: Usually. Although I can be bitchy, I won't deny.
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? :: I try to even it out.
Are you a tease? :: Always.
Shy to make the first move? :: Mhm.