I definitely have to go pee... and then use toilet paper. Right.

Apr 28, 2005 21:14

I'm supposed to be doing my assignment for psych right now.
But I don't feel like it. I don't even really understand it.
Ahhh well. I should also do my calculus.... Buttt... I DEFINITELY don't understand that.
My mom's been putting ALOT of pressure on me.
[Ie. "When people get new jobs they try to get one that pays more and gives them more hours" ... {"I'm sorry, I just want to work at a job that I really like.."} "Welll I don't think you're going to like it there, with kids screaming at you and being annoying all day. And they pay you 40 cents less... and you might only get one shift a week. That just isn't going to cut it" {"Okay..."} "And your brother gets mad when your friends are over after school. And he told me you were late again to get him from downstairs today" {"I was there on Tuesday, but he was late. And I'm pretty sure he tells me to go downstairs at 215. It was only 212 on the clock. Annnnnd I'm pretty sure Vana wasn't over yet"} "Oh. Okay. I thought maybe you were late because you had people over. I'm sorry. But your brother is first over your friends" {"Right..."} "You also realize that you have to do your school work, and with two jobs, I don't know how you're going to handle it. You know yourself that you need to focus on calculus and not everyone else." {"If I know this myself, why are you telling me?"}...]
That went on for quite a long while. Sometimes I just wish she understood me. Even a little bit.
But she treats me, and talks to me, like I'm a ten years old and don't the difference between what is right and what is wrong. I really wish she would just be supportive for once. And not come down on absolutely everyone. Not everyone has a plan. Not everyone wants a plan. Not everyone can be exactly like her.
Oh well.. other than her, it was a lovely day. I guess.
Bought clothes, had tea, "stalked" Ivana, got a call from James, no work.
The only bad thing... No nap.
Today in psych, we watched a movie about babies developing. Sometimes it just hits me how animal like we are. How... crazy? our reproductive abilities are... I mean, it's insane... that our bodies are able to do the things they do. Crazy. I don't know how to say what I'm trying to say.
I should go anyways. Bye.

Ps. Kuba and I cybered today. Hahaha.
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