Nick always wants me to hold him. I get so upset when he cries if I put him down, but I do have other things I need to do besides hold him, especially since max doesn't really want him in the same room. Then tonight I remembered that I could swaddle him (which I do at bedtime anyway) and he has been happy as a clam and so much calmer! Well, he's been asleep or dozy for most of the time but that's okay.
It was a bad day for things. I washed diapers and the washer fucked up and gave me some weird error message so I had to run the cycle again. Then I tried to put the crib together and first tried with the wrong hardware and then found out two of the screws are missing so that isn't done. Then I tried to fix the coffee grinder and nick made that well nigh impossible thanks to the aforementioned constant holding thing. I did manage to fix the grinder but I wouldn't have had to take it all apart if I'd realized the issue in the first place which was that no one has been cleaning the chute the grounds come out of so it was clogged with oily coffee grounds. I ran some rice through it and it's working nicely now. Although I did have some random piece fall out which seems to serve no purpose whatsoever and I couldn't put it back in.
I think I will go to bed early, after I have some chocolate ice cream and pretzels. Nick decided 4:30 would be a brilliant stay awake time last night. This was after waking at 1:45 (feeding at midnight), and at 4:30 he was up for over an hour and then we got up at 8 and I got not much of a nap.
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