That is what I call this ep in my head anyway… Am well late with this, so please feel free to come hither or ignore!
The DVD says: “A heart to heart… When a left-wing preacher’s life is threatened, Cowley sends in Bodie and Doyle to protect her. But to the CI5 agents, it soon becomes clear that their boss’ involvement is something more than
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Table cloth - heeeee! - "left-wing preacher's life" - my god, that's left-wing these days? Now I'm scared... - they share the same chair - yes! - wonder how many times they filmed this scene? - Doesn't current rumour (ie, the one I heard *g*) have it that there's hardly any bloopers footage because they used every bit of film they could, and hardly ever re-shot? I dunno... *g* - Okay, I'm all dizzy with hyphens, it's gonna have to be paragraphs after all...
I’ve never read this as he is shocked he is black, more that he is shocked she has a lover.
Oh, I figured Cowley was shocked because a half-naked bloke had just come out of the bathroom of the woman he was flirting with, just as he was arranging a date with her... oops *g*. The black thing never occurred to me until you mentioned it here! (I so need to catch up on everyone's commentaries!)
that amused smile he does when something isn’t quite right on set - I might have to start collecting these, they are very obvious
Yes! Love the way you describe that, I'd not thought of it like that before - oh, and please collect them! Please please! *g*
although Bodie is the one that puts everything forward
Doyle follows Bodie's lead alot in Season One, I've noticed - can't wait to see Season Two and find out when that changes... Ooh, me head is spinning with plot-y-ness... *g*
...but the clock on Cowley’s office says 4pm here - how can that be?! Filmed out of sequence, perhaps?
They're in different clothes too, so I always presume that this one is taking place over a few days - makes sense when setting up something like Annie's visit too, unless I've missed something in the script that makes that impossible...
ooo though Doyle, pushing your luck with the whole ‘that might just make you even’ comment - even Bodie gave him a look!
See, this is why I'm not convinced by the ever-so-sensitive-Doyle fanon thingie - they're both sensitive at times, but Doyle's just as likely to be tactless as Bodie is, and even more likely to be clumsy in what he says, especially when there are relationships involved... *g*
SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a flurry of SNOW outside my window just then - whooohoooooooo! (Except I have to drive to work in it, and I'm late already...)
‘drop everything including your pants’ was a bit odd-sounding (as ‘pants’ for ‘trousers’ is very American - here pants mean underpants
Heee! I always took that as meaning pants (underpants), but that Bodie knew he couldn't really make them do that, and that trousers would do... and that when he tells the guy with the sock that he can stop there, it's cos he didn't even really expect them to take it seriously... *g*
I so have to go back and see Doyle pass out twice, I never noticed that! Maybe he's just trying very hard still not to... *g*
Oh, I'm really late for work now - hurrah flexi-time... *g*
And hurrah, you!
But there still would have been 'takes' I presume, not ness bloopers to end up anywhere else, so that was making me wonder about the dirty laugh in the car, as it sounds like it was just one take in the bag *g*
There was a discussion ages ago on the Pros forum about what did Cowley's expression mean when he saw Stanley, but yes, I read it as, damn, she has a lover just when I've pitched the opera! Of all the timing *g*
Love all your comments - yes, they are both as tactless as eachother at times (esp Doyle with relationships eh? Will have to look into that further!!) Oh and that explains the 'pants' comment, yes it does sound like he didn't expect them to take it seriously heee!
And you saw snow! Nothing here, although it is bloody freezing!!
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