Bastyr Herb and Food Fair - Tomorrow!

May 09, 2003 22:20

Looks like a blast! I'm going to try to make it...

(my apologies to you all - I don't remember how to make cut-tags)

Bastyr's annual Herb and Food Fair: May 10

Bastyr's fabulous annual Herb and Food Fair, sponosored by the departments of botanical medicine and nutrition, will be held at Bastyr University on Saturday, May 10, 2003 from 10 AM to 4 PM at the main campus in Kenmore. Admission is free. Visitors will enjoy a variety of tours, cooking demonstrations, live entertainment, healthy food, informative displays, distinctive vendors and activities for children.

Renowned herbalist and author Mary Bove ND, will be sharing her vast knowledge of natural pediatric medicine during the event (see more info below). In addition, Cynthia Lair and Scott Murdoch, PhD, will offer practical expertise on feeding the young athlete. Visit the online Bastyr Bookstore to purchase books by these authors.

Herb and other plant starts from Bastyr’s organic garden will be sold, including medicinal and culinary herbs from around the world. Along with garden tours, there will be guided walks thru the surrounding woods, which are teeming with native herbs. Herbal foot soaks and facials will be offered by Bastyr students along with hands-on workshops and cooking demonstrations in our beautiful new teaching kitchen. Visitors can also find information on natural skin care products and taste a variety of herbal teas.


10:00 Herb and Food Fair opens
10:00 Workshop: “Creating a Healing Garden” with Pam Carlson (under the tent)
10:30 Entertainment: Gary Stratos plays Native American and world flute music
11:00 Forest herb walks every hour, on the hour starting from the garden gazebo
11:00 Expert Talk: Dr. Jeff Novak on “Herb/Drug Interactions” (room 63)
11:00 Workshop: “Nourish the Child and the World” with Julie Charette Nunn (tent)
11:00 Cooking Demo: Bastyr chef Jeff Basom, “Creative Cooking with Grains” (room 8)
11:00 Workshop: “Improvisation for Youth”. Act out your food fantasies with Shannon Sullivan (tent)
11:30 Entertainment: Dave Ellis on guitar
12:00 Keynote: Dr. Mary Bove on “Herbal Medicine in Pediatric Care” (Auditorium)
12:00 Workshop: “Ten Herbs for Every Garden” with Eagle Song, CCH
12:30 Cooking Demo: Matthew Legters, MS, “Vegetarian Appetizers: Delicious and Simple”
12:30 Entertainment: Jafer Gulamhussain performs “India Dance”
1:00 Entertainment: Latin rhythms by a marimba band
1:00 Workshop: “Improvisation for Youth”. Act out your food fantasies with Shannon Sullivan (tent)
1:00 Book Signing: Dr. Mary Bove (in front of auditorium)
1:00 Expert Talk: Sally King, CCH on “The Role of the Community Centered Herbalist in Modern Healthcare”
1:00 Workshop: “Flower Essences for Children” with Rowan Hamilton, MHIMH, Dip Phyt, MSCS (tent)
1:30 Keynote: Cynthia Lair and Scott Murdoch, PhD, RD on Nutrition for Athletes (auditorium)
1:30 Expert Talk: Pam Carlson on “Natural Wellness Meditations and Remedies” (student lounge)
1:45 Cooking Demo: Dee Chawla, “East Indian Cuisine” (room 8)
2:00 Entertainment: Bastyr belly dancers perform
2:00 Workshop: “Herbs for Nourishment and as Food” with Linda Conroy (tent)
2:00 Children’s garden tour and plant-a-pot to take home
2:00 Workshop: “Improvisation for Youth”. Act out your food fantasies with Shannon Sullivan (tent)
2:00 Workshop: “Body Image for Teens” with Sibel Golden (tent)
2:00 Expert Talk: Frank Aversano, ND, “Understanding Your Kids’ Hidden Food Allergies and Yours Too”
2:30 Book Signing: Cynthia Lair and Scott Murdoch, PhD, Rd (in front of auditorium)
2:30 Entertainment: Greg Weisswasser and Carolyn Reeves on guitar
3:00 Tai Chi led by Elizabeth Marazita
3:00 Cooking Demo: Ashley Lanahan, “Cooking Whole Foods with Chinese Herbs” (room 8)
3:00 Expert Talk: Diana Silica, MS, LAc, Master Herbalist on “Integrated Herbal Medicine, Chinese and Western” (tent)
3:00 Entertainment: Will Englehart on guitar

Children’s Activities:
-Healthy Kid’s booth -The Antioxidant Name Game -Whole Foods Face Painting
-Playful Activities with Food -Vegetable Twister

Ongoing events all day:
-Herb walks -Smoothie bar -Herb Tea Tasting
-Music -Sample vegetarian sushi -Herbal Foot Soaks and Facials
-Bake sale -Herb Book Sales -Herb Refreshments & Food
-Plant Sales

Information Booths:
-BCNH Nutrition Assessment -Genetically modified organisms -Organic foods
-Calcium & bone health -Grains -Sea vegetables
-Fresh greens -Pro/prebiotics & digestive health -Legislative updates (environmental)
-Community agriculture
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