Jul 01, 2008 23:29
The movers come tomorrow between 1-3. Sounds like the cable company. All my shit is boxed up, sitting by the door and waiting. Well minus my bed, cause I need somewhere to sleep tonight. I can't believe that in a week and a day I will be living in Texas. 1200 miles from "home" and everything I know. There are people out there that never thought I would ever leave this area. People that thought I was that safe friend/accuatnace/person that would just be there safetly tucked away close so beckon upon when needed. It's time my friends, time for my adventure and next step in life. Time to test my lmits, boundries and the new self I have proudly become.
Still doesn't seem real and I am really trying to figure out that point when it will. Aparetnly too many boxes, endless hours of packing and many goodbyes have not yet helped it set in yet. Really, I don't think the drive will either seeing as how I have one of my best friends that so willingly is coming with me then flying back. I think that first night I am alone, waiting to meet those people that I will grow close to like I did here in Beloit, is when it will set in. When it hits me that I am once again "the new girl" not knowing anything is when it will seem real. That first weekend I just need to get the hell away, but Dekalb or Naperville isn't just a few hours away as my safe haven and I need to make a get away with myself is when I will know I am no longer where I cam from, I am not longer where it's safe. I'm looking forward expanding my safe zone, doing something I thought I would never do or creating a whole new world I can share with my midwest folk. Ok friends, it's bedtime. I am exausted, and I need to be ready tomorrow to let some strange men in a truck take away my life except 2 weeks worth of clothes, my laptop and the cats.