(no subject)

Aug 29, 2007 17:25

So I was at Vivi's for shabbas which was reeeeeaaaaally fun especially cause I haven't seen her in a while. On motzash her parents drove us into Modi'in where we saw The Simpsons Movie which was sooooooooo funny! Naomi and Ariela kept on calling me in the middle of the movie which made everyone else pull out their knives and pitchforks. *headesk*

Sunady I woke up early with Vivi (cause she had school), took the bus to J-lem with her and then a bus home. Went out to lunch with my familly, including Jake who got out last minute from the army.

On Monday I went shopping with Dee for wedding clothes. Spent three and a half hours going back and forth between stores, on Hertzel and in the mall.
I was exhausted by the end, and I had a headache but now that I've seen how gorgeous she looks it was all worth it.

My whole life I've never been able to fall asleep the night before the first day of school. Monday night I was exhausted from lack of sleep and shopping but even that wouldn't help. So I asked my Mother for something to knock me out...and I actually slept on the night before the first day of school for the first time in my life!!!

(this is very exciting)

So first day of school was interesting. I had a great time seeing everybody, including some of my really close friends that I haven't seen all summer. I love the atmosphere.

It was comforting to know that I wasn't the only one in denial about being a tenth grader. In fact, my entire class is. We are not in tenth grade and That-Scary-Word that we all refuse to say is now to only be reffered to as The B Word.

Speaking of The B Word, I just found out that I'm taking 05 this year. I was shocked. I thought that at least this year I wouldn't be tortured with Math but I guess I was wrong. :(

Anyway I've got some really great teachers, but my hours suck. Three hours of math first thing Monday morning, Monday also being our longest day.


It's gonna be an interesting year.
Love ya,


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