(no subject)

Jul 25, 2007 23:03

P/N: NO, I repeat NO spoilers for HP.

It was nice to read Ariela's post and realize that I'm not the only one suffering from Nine Days withdrawl syndrome. I'd like to say that I hate the nine days but I realized something this year: I was sitting next to my sister on the floor at shul and all of the sudden I remembered on which floor I'd sat next to her last year. We were at my cousin's shul because we missed an orthodox enviorment and he's our only observant cousin. I remember feeling incredibly homesick having been away for a month. I remember that the Rabbi gave a very moving talk about the war, and I remember two girls sitting next to us talking and giggling during Eicha. It made me really appreciate Israel even more than before, and yearn for the time when our connection with G-d will be renewed and all of us can appreciate Israel together.

On a happier note, I spent the day with my family (never thought I'd be saying that). Me, my parents, Yoni, Jake and my Savta went to see Shrek 3 in the theater. I'd already seen it (illegally ;).) but it was still fun with the whole family. Then we went out to lunch and then I ran off to volunteer.

When I was done my parents, Jake, and Yoni picked my up and we went to the beach where we had a cook-out. Jake and I missed karate but seeing as Ella was the only one who came to class Sensei (Jill) took her and drove to the beach where Ella, Sensei, Jake, and I did kata in the ocean. It's hard doing a jump-kick in the water.... ;)

So now I'm home, exhausted yet happy.

Love ya!

I finished HP on Sunday night. I cried like a dork for the last four chapters. But I must admit that it was a work of genius.

harry potter, tisha be'av

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