so i am at the writing center right now, and I'm pretty bored cause I sent myself the draft of my spanish essay to revise but i sent the wrong one so its in mac format and i cant open it on this computer. and i also brought the hard copy of the essay so that i could have the teacher's comments on it and then realized that it was the hard copy of another spanish essay so i cant even work from that. so now im bored and have decided to post some pictures for absolutely no reason.
Pretty much the cutest picture ever. I mean, let's be honest with ourselves.
Sam and I cooking dinner like some amount of time ago. (Mostly Sam cooking and me shaking a pot of potatoes.)
The end result. Yes, those ARE club crackers with smoked salmon and cucumber on them.
My new facebook picture, and would-be myspace picture, but I just love my current one too much.
And this is a terrible picture of me, but i just wanted to say that im marrying doug barrow.
Also, I have given up something for lent and am currently eating Kosher for Passover.
And everyone is like why? you're pretty gay. But I don't have to explain it to anyone. so there.