haven't updated in a while

Mar 16, 2008 04:00

and i guess that is a Good thing. cause i seem to only update when I am upset. Tonight's no different.

Things Plagueing my mind:

1. in the midst of the same old cycle i always get into. Out-going and crazy meeting new people to hermit because i felt i acted too open, and too crazy.

2. my co-workers we very obviously not happy i stopped by at the bar, i can tell when not wanted. but it still burned

3. i shared that wasn't mine to share, damn guity feeling

4. a bruised ego takes way too long to heal

5. why am i still playing the best friend. you are supposed to be your own leading lady in your life.

6. and the big one, my mom hinted that if i continue my actions and interests my dad or her will kick me out of the house. that is the first timme she has ever threatened that. i thought my hoiuse was the safe haven for anyone. and though she has offered the hoiuse to my friends when their parents have issues, well. i may start to have tp look for my own back-up house. just in case.

fuck. more later i suppose, sleep is beckoning.
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