Meme me.

Dec 04, 2007 13:16

January: Ummm.. So I got a haircut today. I told the girl to be adventurous and creative and I got a MULLET!

Febuary: Here I am at work, my shoes are off, and I am dancing and there are other people here but i dont care, sometimes you just gotta dance

March:Sitting in class before it starts. How did I let it get like this again? Fuck. Serioulsy I am fucked this semester yet again.

April:Weekend Upadte Staring Robert Osborn and Emmy Faye
Woah! What an AWESOME Weekend!


June: I got my picture taken with the cast of it is always sunny in Philadelphia

July: I finished it. I am crying. I can't believe it is over

August: Well, it started. The end of summer funk, and I still have 3 weeks.

September: Dracula's Ball-ashamed of actions, but fun. I think. I am still not sure after 2 weeks. It is complicated. PS. Pat rocks my socks.

October:Patrick Wolf = god

November:Maybe it is just me but every once and a while I get these sudden urges to run into the woods and never come out. I mean I just want to be one with nature and Live My Life Purposefully

December: Memo to Self. Concerts to go to

meme, a year in review

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