Something else happening under the clocks at Flinders St.
Something to check out.
Flash Mob R&R Dance in Melbourne - This Sunday
Melbourne’s “Flash Mob” Rock & Roll Dance this Sunday, 21st March is ready to rock & roll. Music for the dance has been selected, photographer & video person appointed and newspapers & TV stations advised by emails.
All dancers & supporters - please meet by 1.45pm at the “Southern Cross” Train station (Corner of Spencer & Collins Streets). We will start our first “Flash” dance at “Southern Cross” train station at 2pm. This is followed by a second “Flash” dance at “Southern Cross” train station at the bottom of the steps on Spencer Street opposite Bourke Street. We then move on to Bourke Street Mall, on the corner of Elizabeth and Bourke Streets (outside the GPO), the Federation Square and finally doing our last dance at Flinders Street train station under the clocks.
Finish up with a drink at “Young & Jackson” across the road to celebrate our flash mob dancing. For those interested, Straight 8’s are playing at the pub so more social dancing there.
For more information, private message us (Joceb and/or Jitterbug) on Vicrock. Alternatively, you can email Paul on or ring 0433430284.
Note: A “flash mob” dance occurs in public places when one person starts to dance and people who seem to be passing by randomly join in until there is a huge mob of people dancing. When the music stops they all walk off and continue on their way, so to the spectators it looks like a completely spontaneous public dance.