Apr 05, 2007 01:20
Sitting here, full of bad spaghetti and meatballs and a Mr Pibb, I wonder why I look through my physics notebook and I can't help but think, "I really think that Banjo Kazooie was a fantastic game."
Perhaps there is a bit of a lack of focus to my studies lately. Or perhaps that game is just so awesome that I seem to remember it at 1:30 AM, seven and a half hours before my physics test on a crapton of chapters with no formula sheet. Memorizing the relation of force and work in accordance with integrals and derivatives with respect to x? Fuck that, I'd rather try and remember what button combination made you use Kazooie as an egg-spitting machine gun.
Perhaps adulthood comes too soon, or childhood doesn't last quite long enough to satiate.
I think it was holding Z and hitting the B button. But I'm really not sure.