"But The Older That We Got, The More That We Forgot That Greed And Treasure, They Go Hand In Hand."

Sep 19, 2006 16:19

So today's been busy... Paper due, theatre class (which is actually enjoyable, I specifically buy coffee before hand to make sure I don't sleep through it) and the ever dreaded reattachment of my braces... Just to the bottom row, but it will still be a hassle for the next four to six months... Stupid bottom right canine trying to evacuate what is a seemingly fine row of teeth otherwise.

Yesterday I was online and the internet died on me... I called it into the ITU dept here at Mason, call back at six after my last class with no response to them... "Oh yeah, a field technician has picked up your ticket but... They go home around five, so you'll probably get a call tomorrow." .... Yeaaah. I told Victor and the other guys in my trailer and the first thing outta Victor's mouth is, "WHAT?! How am I supposed to play Video Games without the internet?!?!?" It was quite hilarious. So last night we were all around and bored as shit.... I was working on my soci paper when all of a sudden the lights in the entire trailer flash. Then I hear some giggling from the other room. I walk over there and it seems that Bisrat and Perry got so bored they decided to fuck around with our breaker switches.... And delete a page of my report in the process. And also fry circuits in our bathroom and in Yimeng's room (prnounced Yi Mung) .... So those crazy bastards. NOTE TO SELF: Do not leave pretty switches around bored college kids with a few beers.... ~_~

The day before I pledged to APO, Alpha Phi Omega. It's a coed community service pledge that is affiliated with the boy scouts, sorta. It's cheap as shit ($50 a semester) and the people in it are kick ass (Like Cristen, and some of the pledges I met) so all in all it looks like this is gonna kick ass. Yes, I know I bashed people for paying for friends but I'm not just paying for friends, I'm paying for an affiliation with something good and putting my money into something that helps the community and things in the entire area. I don't think we have any ditzy "blonde" girls... Cept maybe Cristen. >D She's silly sometimes, but was quite excited I was pledging. I'm going to enjoy it, methinks.

I also dropped by to annoy le grandiose Bob Irelan today, and of course I walk into the room and he's just walking around not teaching, as always.... Not really, they were doing worksheets but we got to discuss Jacob and he laughed at my pledge pin. I gotta wear this thing day in and day out for the rest of the sem... Silly pledging duties, but it's a small task to not lose a pin. Then again, I've failed at easier tasks.

Time for some food con chicas bonitas here at Mason. Also, free concerts on fridays is nice here at Mason... That's where I saw these guys (Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers) and the main guy was funny as shit. Also, I applied for a job. If I don't get it, I'll apply for a few more. I really want it though, it's at the cinema on campus and is just sitting around watching movies or monitoring a popcorn machine for seven bucks an hour. /Pray for Job.
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