Double-M and KID vs. Conan: Chapter 1.1

Oct 10, 2010 16:12

A/N: OI!!! The first chapter is finally up! I apologize in advance for any spelling and grammar mistakes I may have missed.

Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan, this anime/manga belongs to Gosho Aoyama! I only own Double-M, Kasuma, and the plot. (By the way… This little disclaimer will apply to all chapters that are added to this story, so I don’t think I’ll need to repeat that fact before every chapter)

Warnings: There are some references to some small things like Alice in Wonderland (for example) in here. Of course I don’t own any of them.

Double-M and Kaito KID vs. Conan: Obsidian Black


Osaka, Japan

Hattori Residence

July 9, 9:52 PM



Last Day Before Summer Break

Beika, Japan

July 10, 3:47 PM

“‘KONBANWA…. AT LEAST IT WILL BE WHEN Y0U GET THIS LETTER. LET’5 HAVE A PARTY TO WELCOME MY RETURN TO THE RISING SUN. I3EFORE I 2ANCE AWAY WITH THE NIGHT.’” Detective of the West, Hattori Heiji, read off through the phone. “Oi, Kudo, did you get that?”

“Yeah, I got it… I just don’t understand it. You said there was no signature, right?” Conan spoke through the phone. He looked down at his own copy he’d written down and frowned. “Did the fax have anything else strange, Heiji?”

“Ya mean other than the note itself? Yeah, there are a couple a’ numbers mixed in the letter. Let’s see…” Heiji scanned the note for the said numbers, “Hey Kudo, ya listening? Alright, first there’s a zero replacing the ‘o’ of the first you, a five replacing the ‘s’ in let’s, a three standing in for the ‘b’ in before, and a two instead of a ‘d’ in dance.”

On the other side of the line, Conan wrote down the four numbers at the bottom of the page in his detective notebook and studied them furiously, only ending up ruffling his brown hair vigorously. ‘What the hell do these numbers mean? Could it be an address…? No, there’s no street listed in the note. A landmark? But what landmark uses numbers like these-‘

“What have we here?” Conan heard Heiji mumbling. A quiet beeping noise eradicated from Heiji’s side of the line along with the distinct sound of a printer. “Hey Heiji, what’s going on over there?”

“Apparently, I’ve got mail. Well… a fax, to be more accurate.”

“What does it say? Is it from the same person?” Conan asked, curiosity aroused.

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!” Heiji exclaimed. There was a rustle of papers heard form the other line as Heiji seemed to be frantically searching for papers of some sort.

Conan frowned, “Heiji, what did it say? You’d better spill.”

Heiji growled, “It says. ‘I wonder who your friend is. Maybe I should introduce myself to your small friend. I think I’ll send him the location of my upcoming heist as well as a time frame. From your Double-M,’”

‘Double-M? What does that mean?’ “Say, Heiji, did that letter say ‘heist’? Meaning a thief.” Conan asked walking over to the beeping fax machine and staring at the paper sliding out of the printer.

“Yeah, it says ‘heist’.” Heiji answered, “Is it the Kaito KID?”

“Can’t be, KID doesn’t work like this. It must be someone new. Whoever he or she is is apparently ‘returning’ to Japan so maybe an international thief who’s Japanese?” Conan suggested.

“Or maybe this ‘Double-M’ person pulled off heists here in Japan however many years ago and decided to return.” Heiji growled, “I wish I knew what those numbers meant. Oh, while we’re on the topic, has KID pulled any burglaries lately?”

“None whatsoever, his most recent heist was three weeks ago. He stole a series of opals from an extremely rich family in Tokyo. He hasn’t shown up since. Ne, Heiji, how does this person know who you’re talking to?”

“Oi, did you really get a fax from this person? What does it say?” Heiji asked.

Conan read the brief note before reading aloud, “‘Konnichiwa chibitantei-kun. Please inform your friend of the contents of this note: Be at Beika Museum for the appearance and disappearance of Beika’s prized Night jewel on the twenty-third at midnight. DON’T be late.’” Conan frowned.

“Twenty-third? That’s almost two weeks from now. Why would this person let us know two weeks in advance? That’s too much time to prepare for his arrival. Huh, I guess that’s how he works.”

Conan looked out the window and saw Ran and what seemed to be one of her classmates approaching the Detective Agency, “Hey, Ran’s coming, I gotta go.” CLICK.

Conan set the phone back in place and dragged the sheet of paper from the desktop, staring intently at it as he sat down at the couch and sunk into the cushions. The doorknob rattled as Ran twisted the knob and opened the door, very nearly dragging the girl in with her. “Ah, there you are Conan-kun.”

“Hello Ran-neechan, who’s that?” Conan asked in his high-pitched, innocent, childish voice.

“Ah,” Ran murmured, turning to smile at her guest. “Conan-kun, I’d like you to meet Kazuki Kasuma, she just transferred this year.” She addressed Kasuma, “I need to get my wallet from upstairs but you can hang around here with Conan-kun.”

Ran walked out the door and ascended the stairs. Conan turned back to the piece of paper in his hand and didn’t pay attention to the extra figure in the room. So… he didn’t notice her come up from behind him and look over his shoulder. “What ya lookin’ at Conan-kun?”

Conan jumped and turned in his seat, “Oh, Kasuma-neechan. It’s just a piece of paper I found on Oji-san’s desk. It looks like a letter!” Conan said plastering on a face of false excitement.

“Oh, just a piece of paper, nothing else interesting on it?” Kasuma read the contents of the letter before Conan could hide it under a magazine on the table. “Huh, is your oji-san playing games with you. Like Cops and Robbers?” she smiled, “Sounds like fun… but I wonder if the Night jewel  in the note refers to the Night Phantom jewel that’s going to be exhibited soon. I read about it in a magazine… let’s see, ah, it was this one.” She exclaimed, picking up a magazine on the desk. She flipped through the pages and stopped somewhere in the middle before laying her eyes on the small bag she brought with her, “Oh, I completely forgot. Conan-kun, is there a bathroom down here, I really need to get out of this annoying uniform.”

“Uh huh, it’s the first door on the left,” Conan answered, pointing down the hallway closest to him.

“Thanks,” she smiled and ruffled Conan’s hair before picking up her bag and walking down the hallway.

Conan fixed his hair and got up when his eyes fell on the magazine Kasuma had left open. ‘Heh, those uniforms are pretty annoying.’ Conan thought as he picked up the discarded magazine on the desk and stared at the open page.

‘So if that’s the jewel this thief wants, there’s no way I’m letting him get it.’ Conan-or, rather, Shinichi-- thought as he ripped the ad out and stuffed it into his pant pocket.

Just then Ran walked in and stuffed her wallet into her small white purse. Only then did she look around, “Where’s Kazuki-san?”

“She said she was going to change out of her uniform, she’s in the bathroom over there.” Conan explained, pointing to the hallway for the second time within the last ten minuets.

“Oh, Ran-san, you can call me Kasuma.” Came a faint sound from within the bathroom. The door opened and Kasuma walked out, twirling her drawstring bag around in a circle, “I really don’t mind.”

She indeed had changed… a light blue tank top and a pair of flare jeans had replaced the blue uniform and she had pulled her long brown hair up into a loose braid. “So can you Conan-kun.” She looked down at the boy sitting on the couch once again.

“Aw… but I liked Kasuma-neechan better.” Conan flashed a disappointed face.

The girl in blue laughed softly, “Fine, whatever suits you best. Come on Ran-san, we have to meet Sonoko up at the mall.” She looked at the boy in the room again. “Are you here alone Conan-kun? I’m sure we’ll be able to bring you along, right Ran-san?”

Ran turned around, “Oh right, I forgot Otou-san was working on a case in Osaka. Conan-kun, do you want to come?”

“Yeah!” Conan exclaimed. ‘It’s better than being cooped up here all day.’ Con--Shinichi added.

“Alright, it’s settled. Come on then.” Kasuma piped up, picking up a small coat she saw hanging on the coat rack by the door. Assuming it belonged to the boy, she lightly tossed the object to the fast approaching boy who caught it neatly and slipped it on.


Beika, Japan

Outside a Floral Shop

July 10, 4:03 PM

Standing outside a nearby floral shop, the two high-school girls and first grader waited for yet another person to join their small group. Ran was holding Conan by the hand to make sure he didn’t run off like he normally did while her friend, Kasuma, admired the many floral arrangements. Suddenly she smirked and faced Ran, “Who was that friend of yours that Sonoko mentioned? I’ve forgotten his name.”

“You mean Shinichi?” Ran asked quietly.

Conan looked up at Ran. “Yeah, that’s who it was. Famous High-School Detective of the East, Kudo Shinichi, right? Why don’t you get him one of these bouquets?” Kasuma said, smirk widening.

“What? That’s stupid, Shinichi wouldn’t like flowers!” Ran said blushing furiously.

“Oh? I beg to differ.” Kasuma nudged Ran’s shoulder, “Then why do you look like an over-ripe tomato? You know you want to, Ran-san.”

“No way,” Ran exclaimed, shaking her head profusely. “No way on Earth!” Ran looked away and focused her attention on something other than Kasuma or the shop behind them.

“Ne, Conan-kun, why are you blushing? You’re almost as red as Ran-san.” Kasuma asked, leaning down so she was at his level.

“Ah nanimonai, Kasuma-neechan.” Conan waved his free hand wildly while shaking his head.

“Are you sure Conan-kun,” she pressed. “You seem really embarrassed.”

Conan nodded and added silently, ‘That was low… Please change the subject, please change the subject, please change the subject.’

“Oiii, Ran, Kasuma! Hayaku!” another familiar female voice exclaimed.

‘Heh, saved by the bell,’ Conan thought, relieved.

“Sonoko, there you are.” Ran turned around (the blush receding), secretly thankful for the distraction. “What took you so long?” Every single word in that sentence screamed out ‘Thank god you’re here. You just saved my skin.’ And ‘Please don’t let me endure that again.’

“Say, Sonoko, don’t you think Ran should sen-mmph!” Ran had rushed up to Kasuma and clasped her hand tightly over her mouth to avoid any more words from slipping from her mouth.

“I think Ran should what?” Sonoko asked, curiosity growing like a wildfire. A wildfire that was nearly impossible to put out… Except for this specific case.

“Hi, Sonoko-neechan!” Conan exclaimed, rushing up to the newest arrival and jumping up and down.

Sonoko’s attention was instantly diverted, “Who brought four-eyes here?”

‘Heh, it’s just that easy.’ Shinichi smirked internally. “Sonoko! ‘Four-eyes’ here has a name.” Ran retorted.

Sonoko looked down at Conan, “Nope, not in my books.”

Conan rolled his eyes and looked up at the three girls, “Where are we going Ran-neechan? Kasuma-neechan?” He plastered his most innocent face on.

“Somewhere you don’t need to be at.” Sonoko exclaimed, peering down at Conan.

‘Humph, says you.’ Shinichi added rather childlike (at least for his age).

“Well he does today,” Ran pointed out. “Dad’s out on a very important case and there’s no one else to watch him.”

“We’re going to the new super mall that just opened. Does that answer your question, Conan-kun?” Kasuma replied.

“Uh huh, thanks Kasuma-neechan,” Conan nodded and smiled.

It was Kasuma’s turn to grab Conan’s hand and follow the other girls. Conan flinched slightly at the unfamiliar hand but didn’t pull away and followed quietly, sometimes lagging behind. Kasuma would, at that time, then tug lightly on Conan’s hand and he would snap out of his trance and quicken his pace.


Beika, Japan

Beika Mega Mall

July 10, 4:56 PM

“Hey, hurry up, we’re goin’ in here. Come on, come on!” Sonoko announced, running into another shop.

“Sonoko, this is what, the twentieth shop we’ve been to. You’re still not done shopping?” Kasuma asked gripping tightly at a few of her bags along with some of Sonoko’s purchases. Grudgingly, she followed suit and looked around. Ran appeared behind her, holding onto Conan’s hand lightly.

Ran giggled quietly, “That’s Sonoko right there, might want to get used to it Kasuma.”

“Heh and I thought I was bad. Sonoko beat me-or I guess it’d be more of a landslide-that’s just crazy.” Kasuma snickered and adjusted her grip on the bags.

Ran looked down at her onus, “Uh, Kasuma, do you want me to take some of those bags? You’ve got a lot already.” She started to reach down for some of the bags but Kasuma pulled away.

“No way, you are not getting any of these. Well…” an evil smirk appeared.

‘I have a bad feeling about this,’ Shinichi thought.

“I’ll let you carry some of these only if you buy something.” The smirk turned into an equally evil grin, “Like for Shi-ni-chi.” She added in a singsong voice.

Ran blushed madly, “Uh, I think I’ll take back my offer.”

Kasuma shook her head vigorously, “Iie, you already offered, you are going to buy something for Shinichi, and I will watch your every move until you make a suitable purchase.” She looked down at Conan briefly but shifted her gaze back to Ran. Kasuma switched all her bags to her left hand and used her right to grab Ran’s free hand, pulling her all the way to the men’s department and added, “He is a man, right?” jokingly.

Sonoko joined the two girls and Conan in the men’s department murmuring, “Good idea, maybe I’ll buy something for Makoto…”

Ran instantly jumped at the diversion, “Yes, you should. What were you thinking of Sonoko?”

Kasuma rolled her eyes and stifled a giggle. She bent down and faced Conan, “You were doing it again Conan-kun.”

“Huh, what are you talking about Kasuma-neechan?” Conan asked innocently.

“Nope, that whole ‘I’m innocent, please don’t hurt me’ look is not going to work on me, Conan-kun. I’ve been around too many kids to know that you’re trying to divert the conversation, or at least make it seem like you don’t know what’s going on. It’s cute but… not working.” She smiled, “So…. Doushite? Spill boy. It’s okay if you have a crush on Ran-san, it happens.”

“N-no, that’s not it! Really, it isn’t!” Conan whispered urgently.

“Are you sure? Hmm… doubt it. You’re hiding something, Conan-kun, and I will find out what.”

‘Shit, she’s a lot more observant than she first let on. I’ll have to be careful around her. She might blow my cover.’ Shinichi thought, fighting the urge to Back. Away. Slowly. “Heh, I’m not hiding anything!” Conan assured.

Sonoko, curious on what Conan and Kasuma could be talking about, began advancing to where Kasuma was squatting. Suddenly Kasuma laughed, stood up, and ruffled Conan’s hair. “Good one Conan-kun, I’ll have to tell that to my little brother someday.”

“What were you talking about Kasuma?” Sonoko asked, hints of a frown appearing on her face.

“Oh, nothing really, Conan was just telling me about a riddle he learned at school.” She turned to Conan, “That one was fairly hard, I’m surprised you were able to come up with the answer so quickly. I guess what Ran said about you was true,” she ruffled his hair again, “You really are a clever boy.”

‘Sugoi!’ Shinichi thought, clearly impressed, ‘That was some quick thinking.’ Conan smiled, “Arigato Kasuma-neechan!”

Kasuma smiled and scanned the store for Ran who, very timidly, was searching through a bucket of assorted sweatshirts. Kasuma groaned, “Ran’d better not pick something from there for him.” She rushed over to Ran, locked her arm around Ran’s, and, fairly swiftly, dragged Ran to a different section. Conan rushed over to the two along with Sonoko who was taking her sweet time in reaching the others.

Kasuma let go of Ran and pushed her toward a collection of different colored shirts and pants. Ran stared at her companion with a tortured expression but Kasuma merely replied with a light, but slightly evil smile. ‘Wow, Kasuma can be really scary. Worse than Ran… and that’s saying something.’ Co-Shinichi thought.

Kasuma helped Ran search through the racks pulling out pairs she found ‘flattering’ though how she’d know this was beyond anyone in the small group. ‘She hasn’t even seen a picture of me and she seems to have an idea on what would ‘look good’ on me.’ Shinichi smirked.

A small snicker escaped one of the girls’ lips. Conan looked up and found a blushing Ran, a grinning Kasuma, and a snickering Sonoko. The reason for their reaction, the object Kasuma was holding up: Shirt. Green in color with a very, and I mean very vivid arrangement of colors. Hawaiian styled, the piece had lots of different colors (bright colors), all splattered with flowers of different size and style. Ran’s expression said it all: ‘That does NOT belong in the men’s department, please take it away.’

Conan found himself blushing for the third and, hopefully, the last time that day. ‘Shit, if this keeps up, Kasuma will be on my tail.’ Shinichi thought, dismayed but also slightly amused at Kasuma’s antics.

Kasuma caught Conan’s eyes and held them for a brief minuet before smirking and tossing the atrocity back into the pile that had easily become a discarded heap. Before long she had narrowed it down to three shirts: one blue, one red, and one white. All simple in design but at the same time, all different. The blue shirt adorned a soccer emblem (don’t ask me how she knew about his interest in soccer, she just somehow knew) white in color. The red shirt held black and white stripes along the bottom of the shirt and along the sleeve. While, the white shirt bore blue and green stripes decorating the middle and top of the shirt. Kasuma looked up at Ran who was staring intently at the red shirt. Kasuma instantly discarded the red piece of clothing, “I have a feeling you’ve already given him something red.”

The response from the other two girls; outright shock and astonishment. Kasuma took that has a ‘how did you know’ and nodded, looking back and forth at the remaining two. “You’re a male,” she looked at Conan, “Which of these two do you think Shinichi should get? Blue or white?”

“For Shinichi-niisan? Uh, I guess they would both be fine demo… shouldn’t you be asking Ran-neechan not me. She’s known Shinichi-niisan much longer than I have.”

“I guess you’re right,” Kasuma shrugged, “Ran? What do you think, blue or white? You can do it, there’s only a fifty-fifty chance you’ll get it wrong.”

“Um… Blue?” Ran suggested quietly.

Kasuma imitated a buzzer sound, “Wrong, seriously Ran, you need to work on this.” She made her final discard and folded up the white shirt, “Now… for matching pants.”

“Ka-su-ma!” Ran exclaimed, “Shinichi doesn’t need a pair of matching pants!”

“Yes he does, don’t you think Conan-kun?” Kasuma asked, another smirk appearing.

“Kasuma, do you have to bring the kid into this?” Sonoko asked.

Conan regarded Kasuma, “Uh… hai?”

Kasuma smiled, “Well then, it’s settled.”

Ran groaned but followed anyway, ‘Gomen nasai Ran.’ Shinichi smiled.


Beika, Japan

Agasa Residence

July 16, 6:52 AM



Conan sat on the bed in a guest room of Dr. Agasa’s house, watching as the professor scanned a small piece of paper then referred to the tab on the computer. The Professor’s hand slid across the keys joined by a soft tapping sound. Conan laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling pondering yet another note from the mysterious ‘Double-M’. “Its strange doc; in this note, this ‘Double-M’ person actually wants us to find out about him. A thief normally doesn’t want to reveal himself. They always want to lay low.” Conan sighed and sat up, gazing intently at the Professor.

“Reminds me of another thief I’ve heard of.” Professor Agasa replied. He scanned the screen, then the paper. “Alright, Shinichi, I’m in the International Wanted List.”

Conan jerked to his feet, “Anything about Double-M?” he asked, excitement arousing.

The Professor shook his head, “There is no such criminal, was there anything else this guy addressed himself as. Think back, Shinichi.”

Just then Haibara Ai walked out of the basement by way of stairs. Wearing her usual white lab coat she replied, “1412."

Conan scoffed, “Baka, KID has nothing to do with this

“Fine, then how about 0532?” Ai suggested.

“0-5-3-2?” -lightbulb flash- “Of course, in the first letter!”

“This so-called ‘Double-M’ probably found out about you not being able to find his identity so he sent you a bigger hint.” Ai stated.

“Doc,” Conan turned, “Try 0532, this site should also be adaptable with ID numbers.”

Doctor Agasa punched in the designated numbers. Nothing came up, “Nani?”

Ai smirked, “As to be expected; this person wouldn’t outright give their ID number. And, knowing you were a detective, placed a riddle within the heist note. This kind of puzzle is probably an anagram. I’m just surprised this isn’t from Kaito KID, he loves riddles-“

Conan tuned out all other sounds and focused on the first letter. ‘Let’s see…. It started out like: KONBANWA…’


Conan rushed up to the computer and typed in four numbers. A profile appeared and, satisfied, selected the print option. Finally, Conan grabbed the printed pages and rushed out towards the Mouri Detective Agency.


Beika, Japan

Mouri Detective Agency

July 16, 7:28 AM

Conan raced up the stairs of the Mouri Detective Agency and opened the door, jumping up onto the Sleeping Sleuth’s desk where Mouri Kogoro was watching a Yoko Okino drama… again. “Ne, Oji-san, have you heard of an international thief called Masked Magician?” Conan asked.

“Shhhh!!! Shut up kid.” Mouri admonished, gorging down what seemed like his third helping of sake. “Can’t you see I’m watching Yoko Okino’s drama? Go bother someone else… like Ran.. or that other girl that’s been comin’ over recently.”

“You mean Kasuma-neechan?” Conan asked.

“Didn’t I tell ya to SHUT UP!” Mouri yelled.

“Now what’s going on her… Oh Conan-kun. I thought you were at something Agasa’s house.” Kasuma said, walking in carrying a fairly large box. “Did he drive you out or something?”

Conan shook his head, “I decided to come home early. What’s in the box Kasuma-neechan?”

“Ran-san’s present for Shi-ni-chi. Ran-san’s too scared to wrap it herself.” She smiled, “Ain’t that cute? Kawaii?”

Kasuma set the present of the table and grabbed a marker, carefully beginning to write down the address of the Detective Agency. Once done with that, she pulled a sheet of paper and copied down the address written on it. Shinichi’s address… ‘Oh shit!’ Conan inched foreword, “Uh, Kasuma-neechan, Shinichi-niisan isn’t at home, he hasn’t been for a while. Ran-neechan keeps saying stuff about him being on a big case oversees.”

“I know. Ran-san won’t stop blabbing about it. So… when Shinichi-kun comes back to visit, he’ll have a present from Ran-san waiting for him…” Kasuma smiled, “You’re blushing again Conan-kun. Don’t want someone stealing your girl?”

“NO! Chigau,” Conan shook his head. Conan ran back up to Mouri’s desk, “Oji-san, can I go and visit Megure-kebu?”

“Yeah, yeah, just don’t bother me.” Mouri brushed off.

“Arigato!” Conan said, running out the door with Kasuma watching him go with a quiet but stern face.

Ahhh! Are all my chapters gonna be too long?!? I'm not liking that. Ah well, I guess I'll have to adjust.

detective conan, masked magician, kaito kid

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