Dec 21, 2008 09:16
December 6 - Saint Nicholas Day
December 8 - Bodhi Day - Day of Enlightenment, celebrating the day that the historical Buddha experienced enlightenment
December 8 - ‘Īd mubÄ rak (" Blessed Eid") - (Eid ul-Adha, never let it be said I ignore the Muslim peaceful faithful)
December 12 - Our Lady of Guadelupe
December 13 - Saint Lucia day
December 16 - Feliz Navidad - (Los Posadas - Mexico)
December 17 - Saturnalia: the Roman winter soltice festival
December 21 - Yule: (Winter Solstice) - Germanic and Egyptian Pagan festival of the rebirth of the Sun
December 21, Sundown - Chag Urim Sameach (Phonetic Yiddish, Chanukah)
December 21 - Yalda: The turning point, Winter Solstice. End of the longest night of the year (Darkness), and beginning of growing of the days (Lights). A celebration of Good over Evil.
December 21 - Korochun - Slavic holiday when the Black God and other evil spirits are most potent. On December 23rd Hors is resurrected and becomes the new sun, Koleda.
December 22 - Merry Midwinter (England, Winter Solstice)
December 22 - Dong zhi: Winter solstice
December 22 - "May all the Katchinas grant you your wishes tomorrow." (Hopi Indians, Sol-ya-lang-eu, Soyaluna)
December 23 - "Yeah, whatever. You want to hear my problems?" (Festivus, greetings with a New York accent)
December 25 - Merry Christmas
December 25 - Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun")
December 26 - Habari gani? (and the answers on the consecutive days) (Kwanzaa greetings in swahili)
December 26 - Good Hunting (England, Boxing Day, Feast of St. Stephen)
January 1 - Happy New Year
So what is the reason for the season?
I think there are a lot of them
So, I will put it this way
May you receive the blessings of your beliefs
winter festivals