Fic: Hiding Little Drops of Red (7/8)

Feb 21, 2014 18:44

Fandom: Star Trek: Reboot (Into Darkness)
Rating: PG
Pairings: Kirk/Spock/McCoy

Summary: McCoy discovers he has xenopolycythemia and decides not to inform his two lovers. He's a doctor, he's not supposed to tell them about things he can't fix.

Hiding Little Drops of Red

McCoy opened his eyes slowly. The world was bright, but it didn’t fade into the familiar patterns of lights on the sickbay ceiling. Instead it dimmed to a muted blue with a few wispy clouds hanging over head.
He sat up to find himself in a grassy field, but he couldn’t actually feel the grass beneath him. He couldn’t feel the warmth of the sun or the wind blowing the trees in the distance. Everything was simply still and silent.
Getting up McCoy began walking. He didn’t know where he was going he just wanted to find someone who could tell him what the hell was going on.

He walked for what felt like hours, but the sun never moved from its spot in the sky. Eventually he spotted a man sitting on a rock in the endless field. He was dressed in ancient Western attire and was idling twirling a large rope in his hands.

McCoy just gaped at the man. He wanted to ask so many things and yet the man looked so ridiculous to McCoy that no words came out.

The man eventually looked over at him and smiled. McCoy gasped because his face was familiar. He looked so much like his father and yet not. The hair wasn’t quite the same, the face was just a little a different. Selek had talked about letting him go of the other him, but this couldn’t be him, could it?

“W-Where am I?” McCoy managed to stammer out.

“Limbo, at least I think that’s what it is.”

“How long have you been here?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Judging by you I’d say it’s been some time.”

“What’s with the outfit?”

“It’s either a subconscious manifestation of my inner self…or a way to keep me from being bored,” he said, roping a nearby fence post before flicking the rope off and wrapping back it again.

“Is it just us here?”

He shook his head his striking blue eyes gazing out to the distance. “No, Jim’s out there somewhere I can feel it.”
McCoy glared at him “And you’re just sittin’ here?!”

“I can’t go to him yet I have to wait.”

“Wait? Why?”

“Because Spock isn’t here yet, but I know he will be one day and I’ll be here when he is. Then we’ll go find Jim. That’s how we’ve always done it.”

“And you’re just going to sit on this rock in that outfit for however long that takes?”

The man nodded.

“We go together or not at all.”

McCoy locked eyes with the man, needing to understand him.


“Because they need me, and I’ll always be there for them.”

McCoy just stood there dumbfounded. The man said it with such conviction. He was so sure of his place with Jim and Spock. How he could be so confident, so certain? McCoy knew Jim and Spock loved him and he loved them, but asking if they really needed him? McCoy could never be so sure about that.

“How can you be so sure? How could I ever be so sure?”

The man sighed and stood up, putting his hand on McCoy’s shoulder.

“I ain’t here to dispense advice, Boy. You want to know how they feel about you then you talk to them.”
McCoy wanted to ask more but he suddenly felt himself being roughly pulled away and the world went black again.


When McCoy opened his eyes this time the world came into focus properly and his sickbay was as it should be.

“What happened?” he asked groggily, trying to sit up.

He didn’t get far as a soft hand pushed him back down.

“Don’t move, Len, or you’ll undo all of our hard work.”

McCoy obediently stayed why he was, looking expectantly at Doctor Chapel and Selek.

“The treatment was successful,” Selek supplied.

“It was close, Leonard, but you made it through. Your body will need significant recovery time.”


“Your hemoglobin count is back to normal, Doctor McCoy, which indicates that the flow of oxygen to each cell of your body is back up to its abundantly energetic level.”

McCoy couldn’t hold back a smile at that.

“Thank you.”

“I am most grateful I could help. I shall go get Jim and my counterpart, they will be anxious to see you.”
With that Selek turned to leave, but McCoy reached out and grabbed his wrist.

“Wait! I-I don’t know if this means anything at all, but…while I was out I was at this place-he called it limbo. Anyway I saw a man there and I think he was me. Your version of me, your McCoy, and he said he was waiting for you. That you two would go together or not at all. I…I thought you should know that.”

Selek nodded.

“Thank you.”

He left the room and moments later Kirk and Spock rushed in, and after being given a laundry list of dos don’ts Chapel let them approach the bed.

Jim reached over and squeezed McCoy’ shoulder gently.

“You look awful, Bones.”

McCoy chuckled softly. “Hello to you too, Sunshine.”

“Are you all right, Leonard?” Spock has eyes wide and shining.

McCoy reached out his hand, clasping Spock’s as tightly as he could. Jim put his hand on top of both of theirs.

“Yeah, I know I look like something the cat dragged in right now, but I really think I’m going to be okay.”

star trek: reboot (into darkness), kirk prime/spock prime/mccoy prime, kirk/spock/mccoy, fanfiction

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