Asperger's Syndrome.

Nov 25, 2005 01:23

Well, another bout of the crazies has crept up on me. I caught it this time and I decided to look up common problems realted to Asperger's Syndrome. I have never been formally diagnosed with this form of mild autism but my mother found the childhood and the adult traits and I fit them almost perfectly. Since I am a pretty functional Aspie, I never ( Read more... )

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mattiehattier November 25 2005, 19:31:43 UTC
actually me and gil were talking about you last night. We were talking about owen and our concerns. Owen has been off all meds for about 3 months now...i think we are now finally starting to see a difference and are considering putting him back on...i hate the thought. Gil was upset last night, it seems that the reality of it hits us out of no where sometimes...and we worry about his future and like gil put it we wonder if he will ever "get it"..owen that is. If owen will ever fully grasp things and live a normal or as close to normal life...that is our biggest hope for him. Gil said he wanted owen to be sitting where he is when owen is a man...with a family good job and happy with life. I have joined online groups in the past and found it useful and such...but it still doesnt answer all questions or helps you feel better and some what helpful...but then you have days that no matter what someone says...while you are looking at your son who just doesnt seem to be complete you break down. I have read up on the gluetin (sp) free diet in the past..and considered doing it...its just seems like its going to be an almost imposible task with owen because of his eating habits as it is...we have even in the past had to go to a nutritionalist because of his eating issues. I am basically afraid that if i put him on that diet...he is going to waste down to nothing. I have seen several specialist...nuerologist, pediatricians, psychologists, psychiatrists, audiologists...speech therapists, occupational therapists...and none have really said much about the diet except that its kinda controversial and that they recommended the therapies that i am currently meds. His meds were pretty heavy and serious meds...they were was used mainly for his sleep issue (NEVER SLEPT EVER) and well once his sleeping problems were over i felt like i should take him off...well now he seems to have more unmeaningful conversations...more problems socially with other kids his age i am filling up your entry...i just thought maybe if we could talk to you on the phone or maybe even your mother..this may help us understand owen and what we may be facing in the future.

thanks speaking out really is helpful


mage7223 November 25 2005, 22:46:48 UTC
mom: 850-769-1582

Anytime. I want to talk to you about this. i am starting to really come to terms with my issues for the first time in my life and I would love to help you and Gil with Owen.



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