Feb 25, 2010 07:01
i'm waiting for something to finish downloading and while i wait i'd figure i'd update a bit.
Valentimes day was very nice, David and I went out to chili's saturday night, and sunday night we cooked shrimp and steak. David was gonna grill them but his grill was really dirty so we did it on the stove. We watched Caddy Shack and had chocolate chip cookies. yum yum! I got him the dancing gopher from the movie, and he got me a box of chocolates and a picture of a sunrise from the day of our wedding. This guy in florida goes and takes beautiful pictures of a sunrise over the beach everymorning and then sells the prints. So all in all a very good heart day.
We are curently in the processes of buying a house. right now we are in the negotioation stage..but i think it will all work out. The house is in the jefferson terrace neighborhood. btwn jefferson hwy and bluebonnet rd. I've got pictures posted on my facebook if anyone wants to see. Though I do like the house we are in now, its very cozy, cute and reminds me of my first house as a kid. We need more room for one. We still have wedding prestents we havent unpacked cause there is no room for them. Also I want something thats ours not something rented. And I cant get a dog till we get a house of our own.
Work has been going ok, I finnally moved to part time. I work full days monday, have off tuesday, work from 7:30-til 12:30 on wed and thurs and then friday is a full day but the kids go home early on friday so thats good too.
well thats it i need to go finish getting ready