
Jul 04, 2007 13:05

in a very james lipton q & a bank of useless information about me, my favorite word happens to be cake. the look and sound of that hard "k" and the way it compliments the "a" and "c" makes it as aesthetically and auditorily pleasing as it is gastronomically. however, this one falls in my top 10:
phantasmagoria: a shifting series or succession of things seen or imagined.
or, and this is straight out of my sophomore yearbook for those of you who were there:
phantasmagoric: constantly changing stream of images, that shift, appearing to be dreamlike.
i mention this because 1) it happened to be the google word of the day, and 2) i think everyone should enjoy a little phantasmagoria every once in a while. it doesn't have to be chemically induced, just close your eyes. a beautiful mind has no trouble seeing beautiful images under any circumstance.
mmm, cake...
lata daze.
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