Jan 09, 2004 21:36
"It feels good to know your mine
Now drive me far - away, away, away
FAR away
I dont care where just FAR
And I dont care"
I'm not writing this to hate on mitsubishis by any means. I love mitsubishis, but they arent known to be very reliable. When your car is always in the garage with another problem it's hard to actually get on with life, and this isn't necessarily my car, but in a big way it is, and when it always has another thing to fix it keeps me and others back from doing things fun or even relaxing. I don't mind having to have a car worked on every now and then, but it shouldn't be down one out of every five times you drive it. With all work no play you have no time to cruise or race...you have no time to even enjoy the "ride" you have when you cant ride in it.
I guess im just a little bit frustrated and cranky, 'cause someone else got cranky when their car decided to break down again tonight. I decided to vent on here 'cause it is my journal. I'm not whining just trying to find a source to vent to, because I didnt want to bore any living person by talking to them about it. Most people I hang out with dont have the interest in cars, that I do, so I understand. I'm not going to sit there and yammer their ear off about something they barely know about.
Therefore I have come to a good conlusion/decision... when it coems time for me to buy a car.... mitsubishi eclpise....out....honda, accura, or wrx....in. I want to be fast, but speed isn't as important as actually having a reliable ride. I guess sometimes people have to sacrifice their dream for a while...atleast until they get rich and have enough money to support a car that will break down every 3 days.