Brief update in a whirlwind day

Feb 09, 2011 11:01

I taught my first section of witchcraft today, and I think it went well. I've got really good students in the 9AM section, which will make everything more bearable. I meet the other section in a little over an hour, and I have high hopes -- although we don't have a good room for today (scheduling problems), so we're going to be crammed into the departmental library. I showed them part of an episode of Star Trek, had them talk about their own cultural preconceptions of magic/religion/science, and had them apply their anthropological theories to the most recent case study we read and talk about which theoretical framework was the most helpful. It worked pretty well.

This afternoon, I have my medieval class (which is incredibly reading-heavy and time-consuming), followed by a quiz in Old Irish that I'm woefully unprepared for. In most of the texts we've read, there are enough familiar words to provide handholds and remind me of the context in which i read them; in the law texts, not so much. Whoc an remember the words "sick-maintenance" and "customary food-tribute" and "fore-purchase" and "accompanying food-rent" and "refusal of hospitality" and "violation of protection" and everything else? Tooooooo maaaany wooooooooords ...

Anyway, following Old Irish, I'm going to go home and collapse. And maybe not do any reading tonight; we'll see how it goes. Tomorrow night, Sìm is taking me to a Glasgow Uni reception (in honor of Burns, though Burns night was a good while ago now), which should be interesting. Good food and free scotch, anyway!

OK, I better go do some studying. Why is this man called a fer midboth? Because he has come out of childhood, his legal right of fosterage, but has not reached manhood. Is a particular age assigned to the fer midboth when he can give oath regarding a breach of rule? ...

Catch y'all later!

grad school is kicking my ass

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