Sep 09, 2009 20:59
Book: New Moon 237-408
Wow again I read a lot of this book. And I was feeling good about what was happening between Bella and Jacob. And she was starting to realize her feelings for him. And she was about to tell him her feeling and what she felt about him. And let him make an informed choice as to how they should further there relationship. But they were interrupted and well things happen and she can't. So now she is mad at him. And anyway no more spoiling. I am really enjoying this book, very much. Anyway my review will come later. But I came home today and I was in the kitchen doing dishes. And I hear a little "meep" I was not sure were it came from. So I just kept doing the dishes. I looked up to find my little girl Nikki on top of the cabinets, looking down at me. Yes she "meeped" at me. She was resting her chin on the top. Watching me do dishes. I was so shocked that I couldn't believe it. I tried to find the camera, I serched everywhere. And by the time I found it she jumded down. I still can't get over it. Well I need to go to bed. I will give my review of Gamer tomorrow. It was good though.