Review of Halloween 2

Sep 02, 2009 13:59

Well last night Tim, my Dad, my brother and I want to see H2. It starts off right as the last one ends and tells what happened to Lori and her friend Annie. And from there on out it is blood and gore. And I jumped a lot in this movie. What happens to the people in this movie is boarder line stomach churning. But that's not to say this movie is bad. I would not say that at all. This is one of the best " Slasher" flicks I have seen in a long time. There was a storyline to this one. The movie had some very twisted parts to it, which made you think that Lori was losing her mind.  If you have seen the first one.... well who could blame her. No spoilers. I am trying not to ruin it but its so hard. The soundtrack was great. Really set some of the moods. The movie is very dark, there is just enough light to let you know that something bad is going to happen. It was mostly shot for night time scariness. And it worked by gum...........sorry I kinda had a Grandma moment. These are not senior moments. My Grandma used to say "by gum". If you keep reading me you will find out just how weird I am. But its not all my fault. Anyway were was I....oh ya scariness. This movie was done in typical Zombie fashion, dark, scary, nakedness, and blood. Lots and lots of blood. The sound affects... the noises. You know the kill, kill, stab, stab. Where very real sounding (and painful). These two Halloween movies are what the movies should be. Good and scary but know when enough is enough. So if you are in for a new take on a classic. Done in true Zombie fashion. Then this is the movie for you. But if you have a weak tummy then I would want till it comes out on video.

Movie: Halloween 2
Type: Horror
Rating: 18A
My Rating: $$$$ .5  out of 5
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