"One plus one is one. Together. One plus one is one. Forever."

Nov 11, 2006 21:53

The day that loooove...HAD TO PLAY! *Awesome pitar solo*

You know what on Thursday I was all set to put a list of stuff that pissed me off cause...well I was pissed. And Friday was the same except around last period everything got better. Wasn't pissed off anymore...cool...then here's today which pisses me off again.

Alright so I wake up at like 9:00 which is too damn early because apparently my dog forgot how to walk and hes pretty much completely blind and deaf so I had to take care of him all day. Not the happiest thing in the world.

So here goes...
-The fact that we aren't doing the talent show which I just don't understand because we agreed that we'd do it just for fun then they puss out at the last second.
-Lack of job/money which is totally my fault cause I'm heavily retarded.
-Couldn't go to see Q's show cause I didn't have permission
-Had my gas money stolen in gym which is also pretty much my fault
-Lack of artistic inspiration and apple pie

Yeah that's aboot it. Obsessed with pitars for some reason even though they have no purpose.


There's waaaay too many puppies.

But its alright. I'm okay. Always.

No matter how pessimistic you get you still kinda believe the world's troubles could be solved with a hug. Try it people.
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