Feb 09, 2006 12:36
either in your stomach or in separate drinkings, here is my revised list of alcohols that should NOT under any circumstances be mixed, from experience. Indulging in the following combinations may result in loud, brutish behaviour,projectile vomiting, loss of coordination, deafness,extreme resent for bouncers and bar staff alike,singing, loss of control over voice level, loss of money,sudden running to the lavatory, loss of friends, wobbly legs, dribbling, and electrical arcing in back braces due to the chemical reactions of the following alcoholic beverages.
As a general rule, it is safe for one to mix clear coloured alcohols,excluding silver tequila. ie. gin and vodka can be combined.
1. Tequila. With ANYTHING.
2. Gin and wine
3. Aftershock and cider
4. Baileys and Aftershock
5. Frostbite and Jaigermeister
6. Vodka and cider, generally only in extreme cases
7. Vodka when combined with pro-plus and cherryade
8. Chartreuse and cider
9. Demerara rum and vodka
10. Wine and cider.