Today I am happy, simply because participatory democracy gets me high. Really. I worked my first get out the vote project in 1982 (mid-term elections) as a boy scout. Worked my first presidential campaign in 1988 (too young to vote myself but got 18 year old high school students registered and participating in the caucuses including one that went to the state convention). People say they hate politics. I love politics. Politics is the art of getting along in a community. Most of what goes on in bureaucracies drives me nuts, but that's why we need to get involved and stay involved. Look at
fitzthetoad. He got out of his bunk and caucused. If he can do it, anyone can (and should because really, does he speak for you?) Voting is like a mini-revolution (without the bloodshed.) What a wonderful thing to take part in. But no matter who wins today, the next 2 years it is imperative we all stay involved and get some changes made before we waste this beautiful democracy that we have inherited.