Hi Everyone,
I am looking for a fic that I read a while a back, I thought I had bookmarked it but now can't find it. I have been looking back through previous searches because I thought I had originally found the story through a previous search for fic recs, however, I haven't had any luck finding it.
In the story Ezra and another agent (from a different agency I think) wake up in the woods/mountains, after being drugged (or maybe just knocked out). The other agent is shot and killed. Ezra is trying to evade the bad guys. The team realizes Ezra is missing and try to find him. The main thing I remember is that the team is trying to get to Ezra and they commandeer a helicopter (think it belongs to another agency). The bad guys have caught up to Ezra as the team arrive in the helicopter and as it hovers Ezra makes a leap trusting them to catch him. I think Ezra may have been shot as he leaped, but I could be wrong about that.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? Thanks in advance for any help!
Edit: Found extremely fast by the very helpful
ktrisha. Link in the comments.