I know NotTasha, Deirdre, Jo Ann wrote some really good and long stories where Vin or Seven as the main focus. Do you guys have anymore recommendation on long stories (stories with more than just 3 chapters) that focus on Vin or on the seven (which Vin still plays a big role in)?
The other "long" stories that I have in mind are the stories on the "Magnifiction" website : http:// www.magnifiction.com/index.php
Thank you all!
The List:
NotTasha: http:// www.nottasha.com/
Deirdre: http:// deeshamrock.home.comcast.net/~deeshamrock/archive.html
Jo Ann: http:// web.archive.org/web/20041010185221/http:// www.sevenslady.homestead.com/GenFiction.html
With the help from skyland22:
"Fracture" by Elizabeth Sullivan on fanfiction
Aussie Lass: http:// www.aussie-lass.com/
"The Waif" by writeroneday on fanfiction
"No Where to Run" and "The Web of the Wise: The Case of the Missing Professor" by TrishaA on BR
"A Renewal of Faith, Hope and Love" by Holly on BR
With the help from grachonok
Gil Hale: http:// www.gilhalefic.com/magnificent-seven/
From Anonymous:
"Darkest Hours", "River Styx" by Estevana Rey on BR & LA
"Hospital", "Hope" by Clair Beaubein on fanfiction.net
"Candles of the Wicked" by Gloria Rtwater on BR
"Darcy", and CL ranch seriers by Sevenstars on BR
From huntersglenn:
stories by authors SueN, JIN, and Winter on BR
(please take out all the spaces after http://)