Title: Over Shadowed
Author: sablecain art by batsrg8
Characters: Ezra, all 7
Pairing(s): GEN
Word Count: 12723
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: small reference to past assault
Summary: (Inspired by Barbara Michael's Stitches in Time) When a former acquaintance of Ezra's arrives in Four Corners with a package from Maude- Ezra is delighted by the new blue jacket and vest. It's elegant and subtle and looks damn good on him but once he starts to wear it, Chris and the others notice a change in Standish. He start's acting different towards those around him and not at all like the man they've grown to know. Worse yet, Ezra starts having random accidents that leave him hurt and shaken. As the situation worsens and every one is left wondering what is going on, Josiah raises a theory. What if there's something sinister behind Ezra's strange behavioral changes? Something supernatural? The seven are forced to search for answers quickly as the violence escalates. Could Ezra really be "over shadowed?" And if so...is he really the only one effected? How are they going to save their friend and protect him at the same time?
OverShadowed Part 1