Drunk Anarchy by Tipper & Art by Randi

Dec 16, 2013 22:03

Title: Drunk Anarchy
Author: Tipper
Disclaimer: Usual - don't own nada.
Characters: Buck, Ezra, Vin, Chris, and some OCs
Pairing(s): None (Gen story)
Word count: 15,825 (with chapter names).
Rating: T - for bad language
Warnings: None (other than the bad language)

Summary: Billy Rufus tells the story of when seven men helped battle off some serious bad guys in his small mountain town, all to help out a woman and her son. And he tells the story completely drunk.

The awesome banner art is by Randi -- she made me two very cool banners. Both will be up tonight on my LJ, but you can also see them on her Dreamwidth site!


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