Title: The Long Way Home - Book I: The Soldier's Homecoming
mrwubbles aka Yum@
Characters: Gen, Chris Larabee, Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish
Genre: Gen, post WWII AU, drama
Rated: PG-13
Word Count: 59K+
Warning:hints on past child abuse and child endangerment
Summary: Two brothers arrive at Four Corners with no father. A father without a son shuts the world away in Four Corners. They'll meet halfway to find the way home. This is Book I; the father's journey.
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| AO3 (coming soon) |
Credit Due: To
brate7, who pulled off the Herculean feat of betaing this monster. To Val, my 1940s wiki. To
grachonok, in charge of the pretty. And to the mods of this comm--they created this wonderful opportunity for us to explore our Seven and supported me during one of my craziest weeks. You've all are my Seven. (Okay, I can't count, LOL, but seriously, you're all just as awesome)
master fic list |
(should you be interested)