Title: To the Brink of War
Author: Megan
Characters: JD, Chris, Buck - All Seven
Pairing(s): None
Word Count:15,581
Rating: FRT
Warnings: none
Summary:A missing shuttle, a peaceful planet on the brink of war... When the captain's shuttle doesn't show up to meet with the Maverick, the crew of the ship are in a race with time to find Captain Chris Larabee and Ensign Dunne's shuttle, while trying to figure out how to pull what was a peaceful planet back from the brink of war.... Meanwhile, Chris Larabee and JD Dunne are left crashed in a remote area of the planet, trying to figure out what shot them down and if they will survive until someone find them
Artist/Fanmix: Thanks to pe1804 for the great pictures for this fic.
Author Note - Thanks to Meredith for betaing the fic.
Links to story part one and Two
http://issolafox.livejournal.com/4228.htmlLinks to Story Part Three and Four