Hazardous Compromises

Jun 26, 2013 11:23

Title: Hazardous Compromises
Author: JoJo
Genre: Gen
Rating/warnings: FRT for language, references to suicide
Characters: All seven
Wordcount: 20,700

Summary:  By the end of the night at least one of the seven will have got their way, but can any good ever come from the betrayal of a friend?

A/n: The final story in the Strange Bedfellows series. Angst and possible squick up the wazoo - it was inevitable I suppose :)   Very many thanks again to the wonderful farad and nikojen for their time, beta work and seeing what was missing.  All mistakes my own.

Hazardous Compromises (on AO3)

fic, rating. pg-13, genre angst, ao3, genre. hurt/comfort, focus. all seven, focus ezra, old west

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