Billy didn't know it would end like this.

Mar 28, 2005 12:43

Title: Expectations
Pairing: BB/DM (very mild)
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: The first RPS I've written that feels complete enough to post despite its shortness. This was spit out in a matter of minutes, raw and un-beta'd.

Billy didn’t know it would end like this.

He signed on for Lord of the Rings, eager to have finally found something to give his career the jumpstart it needed. He hoped that overseas and international success would allow him to get more roles where he wanted them, in Scotland, without resorting to moving to L.A. like every other actor. He thought he’d go to New Zealand, meet a few people, enjoy himself, and return to Scotland without incident. But nothing in Billy’s life has occurred without incident.

He talks to Dom in L.A. once a week. Sometimes less since their schedules don’t always grant them the freedom they may desire. Billy usually does the talking. He wants it to be like it use to. He wants Dom to joke back. He wants to not carry the conversation for once, to not feel like he’s forcing Dom into doing this. He wants to yell and scream and make Dom snap out of it, make him see that the world isn’t as bleak a place as he makes it out to be. Instead, he simply says, “I miss you too.”

Dom once asked him to come to L.A. with him. When he gave his shaky ‘No’ and heard Dom’s whole dejected world crash onto him, there was not much else for it. He hung up and went for a walk.

The skies were gray and gloomy and rain pattered from the sky half-heartedly, just like every other day. It was warm and sunny in Los Angeles, Billy was sure, but how could he leave here? He always told himself he would return to Scotland to enjoy the doors opened by the success of Rings. But no one ever told him it would be like this. No one told him the friendships would be this real, this lasting. No one told him the beauty of New Zealand would call to him long after he left. No one told him that sometimes, the best choice, the right choice, isn’t the easy choice. That returning home meant saying goodbye.

No one told Billy he would fall in love.

No one told Billy it would be this hard.
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