Guess who is a genius and mildly concussed themselves at work while opening up some doors. If you guessed me you would be right. I made it through the night without vomiting or seizing and assume that other than feeling a little like Sidney Crosby (sans living in Mario Lemieux's basement and having a fat contract and living in shittsburgh) i'll be alright. I'll tell you what though, concussions fucking suck. I hate being nauseated, i hate doctors, and being disoriented is basically awful.
On the other hand, my family does sick like nobody's business. when you need someone to keep you awake for hours, they are amazing for that. My mom and brother both stayed on the phone with me for a while talking. My mom always does, she's incapable of a less-than-20-minute conversation about anything. My brother and i talk almost exclusively through twitter, so having and hour long conversation was really awesome. He's not a sharer per se, and we shared some thoughts on our family's proclivity towards talking/bitching a lot about trivial things, but if its something really serious, we shut up and soldier on and never talk about it. He's right.
Anyway, three things.
- Actual conversation with my baby brother who is more of an adult than i am these days (i feel that way, he doesnt) - i'm ridiculously proud of him.
- baby panda videos
- my boyfriend keeping me up that last hour and a half before i was allowed to sleep (and had to be woken up every 2 hours) by talking about his itchy ear. what even xD