guild hall

May 15, 2009 17:45

we went to this restaurant called st alban which was amazingggg
probably the best restaurant experience i ever had
i had the duck livers
then we met skillz who told us which night club to go to
it was called the penthouse but was only on like the 6th floor of some building
and i danced with these weird girls
and we came back home
today we met up with councilman richardson (the most interesting man ive ever met) at the guild hall where he worked
and he gave us all a special tour of stuff that tourists arent allowed to see
he had staff run and go get his robe and he let us take picture with his robe on in the alderman conference room which looked like the romulan high council or something
we walked to tower of london
so now ive finally been to tower of london
and now im back here and want to collapse

and i saw the lost finale
i have no idea where next season will be headed
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