Jun 19, 2007 21:24
I told my lil bro about Firefly and how much I loved it and how fun a show it was, so we finally rented it this weekend. I'm all pumped about introducing him to the series, and we put in the pilot episode (a mistake on my part). These were his thoughts on the show, about twenty minutes in:
"Meagan, this show sucks balls. Were you and your friends high when you watched it?"
Funny, but I wish he would have liked it. I leave for Chicago with my crew next Thursday/Friday, and I'm so ready. I've just got to get rid of these farmer tan lines from April. I just had to share the following quote with y'all. It's from a book by a black comedian, Tyler Perry, written from the p.o.v. of his most famous character, a black grandma-type named Madea. Sam, Danielle, and Claire, and anyone else how loved Flavor of Love or Charm School, you need to rent Diary of a Mad Black Woman. It's funny, as is Madea's take on sluttiness (word for word):
"Let me repeat the example of our old friend, the Frisbee. If you have a new Frisbee and you throw it out on the beach and a dog catches it--and then another dog catches it, and another. Pretty soon, that Frisbee is gonna be all tow up--it ain't going to fly no more. So keep your Frisbee fresh and new by not throwing it to too many dogs. Like I said before, I ain't never met a man who says that he's looking for a nice ho to settle down with. Slow the hell down."