I don't think it makes you evil or racist. It does make you paranoid, and a bit susceptible to all of the negative campaigning that went down. I honestly don't understand why people think he's shady. "Who is Barack Obama?" What the hell is that, other than fearmongering paranoia? Yeah, his name isn't Joe Smith. So what? America is supposed to be about diversity. He's what the 'American Dream' is all about. Yet people are rejecting this and are afraid of it. It blows my mind.
From what I hear, Wright was a little more down to Earth when Obama attended his church. He was more focused on their local issues. It's only recently he grew a big mouth and started making outlandish statements. Pointing the finger at Obama because of that is unfair.
There are a lot of little nuggets about Obama they dug up about his past. Some of them were such desperate attempts to tie Obama to terrorism, it was sad. Like Bill Ayers, who recently said (and I'm paraphrasing) "I barely knew [Obama]. Wish I knew him better." It's not like John McCain's slate is clean, either. I mean. McCain cheating on his first wife that had cancer and leaving her for Cindy.... Does that mean we can ask, "Who *is* John McCain? Maybe McCain only escaped Vietnam because the Vietcong brainwashed him and then released him to destroy America by running for president in 2008 so they could put a mole in the White House." Of course I don't believe that and it's absolutely ridiculous. I respect McCain's service. But you could just as easily make those kinds of irrational, paranoid statements about McCain and question who he is, because we don't know him personally just as we don't know Obama personally. But McCain's a white guy with the face of normalcy. People didn't question anything. Obama's not necessarily your 'guy next door'. But that doesn't make him shady.
From what I hear, Wright was a little more down to Earth when Obama attended his church. He was more focused on their local issues. It's only recently he grew a big mouth and started making outlandish statements. Pointing the finger at Obama because of that is unfair.
There are a lot of little nuggets about Obama they dug up about his past. Some of them were such desperate attempts to tie Obama to terrorism, it was sad. Like Bill Ayers, who recently said (and I'm paraphrasing) "I barely knew [Obama]. Wish I knew him better." It's not like John McCain's slate is clean, either. I mean. McCain cheating on his first wife that had cancer and leaving her for Cindy.... Does that mean we can ask, "Who *is* John McCain? Maybe McCain only escaped Vietnam because the Vietcong brainwashed him and then released him to destroy America by running for president in 2008 so they could put a mole in the White House." Of course I don't believe that and it's absolutely ridiculous. I respect McCain's service. But you could just as easily make those kinds of irrational, paranoid statements about McCain and question who he is, because we don't know him personally just as we don't know Obama personally. But McCain's a white guy with the face of normalcy. People didn't question anything. Obama's not necessarily your 'guy next door'. But that doesn't make him shady.
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