[ At first, the broadcast opens up to a video. There's no one on screen, the camera is shaking a bit. Might even be the tip of a finger in view of the camera. A blurry, smudgy one anyway. Finally the camera's faced around and the kid on the other end brightens up a bit! ]Is this thing really broadcasting? I'm not really sure. Is there some
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[Watching Yamamoto's video feed would make a lesser man motion sick! Jr. grins.]
Yo! Look at the communicator!
[Jr. waves helpfully.]
This thing is two-way?
[ He grins. ]
Ah, hey!
[Jr. waves.]
Welcome to Demeleier, pal!
[ He rubs the back of his neck with his free hand before he waves. ]
Demel...eier? Is that what this place is called?
[ Yup. Definitely not in Kansas anymore, Jirou. ]
You got it. Demeleier! If you follow the trail from the temple down to the village, you can get settled in and out of the cold.
[ He starts walking and then pauses. ]
How do I get home though?
We're still trying to work that one out, sorry.
So, there's gotta be somewhere nearby, right? Besides a lot of trees.
Long story short, we're trapped in this underdeveloped world and there's no one outside the village who can help us.
[Well, there's the Guardian, but Jr. doesn't want to confuse the newcomer with too much information yet.]
Well, gotta make the best with what we have, right? What about the village?
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