Jan 30, 2012 04:04
I do that a lot, especially when I should be sleeping. Anyway, here's a snippet from just over five years ago:
"Now, where was I? Oh yeah. The people, places and things that allow me to maintain my reality (as I've established, it's not really an illusion). Monday night I delivered pizza to Roger at his dorm room. He's a KKY brother. My little brother Sam came down to say hi with his girlfriend. Then came Lindsay and finally Roger. I was practically ecstatic to see them! Especially Lindsay. Aside from Dori's, her friendship is probably the one I value the most out of all my brothers. She is like a second sister to me. Then there's my trumpet. When I walked into Joe Retton Arena tonight to play in the pep band, I knew. That is what I love to do, even more than playing Magic. After playing the National Anthem, I could feel it. Then we played the fight song. It gives me such an incredible rush! Basketball games are even better than football games because there's no marching involved, just playing stand tunes. I sounded really good tonight and for the mos tpart I picked up right where I'd left off a month ago. I need a little work on stamina, but who doesn't?"
I got a kick out of the part I hyphenated. I also got a kick out of talking about pep band, and it reminded me that I could mention that Lindsay and I are doing pep band again this year. We haven't done it every year, though. At the last one, we played an arrangement of